Day in the Life

Apr 7, 1852

Journal Entry

April 07, 1852 ~ Wednesday

April 7th House filled at an early hour to overflowing
conference opened at 10 ock. Singing & prayer By Elder Sherwood
President Young then said we shall take up the Authorietis
of the Church. The First Presidency Brigham Young H. C. Kimball
& Wilard Richards were then sustaned Also the Twelve Apostles
& Father John Smith as First Pratriarch. John Young & coun
as President of the High Priest Quorm the Presidents of the
Seventies. The Elders, Priests, Teachers & Deacons were all
sustained in their places Also the Bishop And all authorites
& committies. N. H. Felt John Banks, & A Cordon
were then ordained Travelling Bishops

Brothe Benjamin Clapp was rejected as one of the presidents of
the Seventies for not believeing in the Authorites of the Church
& not doing his duty And after a discussin upn the subjet
He was left without being recieved or rejected untill they could
Hear from him President B Young said I dont care
whether the people Believe me to be a prophet Seer or Revelatr
or not I have been vary profitable to this people & I have
seen a good many things & I have Revealed many things
He remarked that Brother Clapp was ruled by his wife
& children & they were ruled by the devil

E Hunter was sustained as the presiding Bishop. Brigham Young
was sustaned as the Trustee in Trust for the Church of L D S. &
E Hunter as assistant Trustee. Wilalard Richards was sustaned as
as the Historian of the Church & General Church Recorder
Brigham Young was sustained as the president of the perpe-
ual Emigrating Company
to gather the poor Also Heber C
Kimball, Willard Richads Wilford Woodruff Orson Hyde
George A. Smith E. T. Benson J. M. Grant D. H. Wells
Willard Snow E Hunter D Spencer T. Bullock John Brown
Wm Crosby A Lyman C. C. Rich L. D. Young P P Pratt
Orson Pratt & F. D Richards were all sustained as presidents
assistance to the President

Daniel Spencer was sustaied as president of the Stake of Zion
H G Sherwood as president of the High Councel.

H C Kimball moved that Brigham Young Be the Govornor
of the State of Deserett carried unanimously & H C Kimball
Lieut Govornor, which was sustained with Applause. President
Young remarked that No doubt before you get home you will
hear we have committed treason.

with regard to the labour of this Tabernacle I will say the
cost will be read before the meeting And all the Tithing & outlay
But if you feel that if your expectations are realized you should
be satisfyed I will say I never saw No one room as conven[ien]t
as this it will seat 2200 persons & their was is 2500 persons prst [present]
today. I expect the Tabernacle which we expet to build on
this Block will seat Fifteen Thousand people we never did
build a House large enough to Hold the people if we were to encl[ose]
this whole 10 Acre Block so that it would Hold 200,000 people
By the time we got it done their would be enogh to fill it. The
Lord is controlling our affairs & does more for us than we can

do for ourselves or ask him to do for us the more we are
humble & labour & prepare for the gathering of Israel the faster
they will gather the esstablishment of this Tabernacle was
the result of my meditations while upon a sick bed

If their is any man that is full of the Holy Ghost & wishes to
speak let him rise up & speak & use his liberty I feel as
usual to praise the Lord with all my heart. The hand of
has Been as visable in leading this people as it was in
leading Israel in the days of Moses some had not faith to come
on for fear of starveing to death. dont be in a Hurry to go
away but stay untill you have worshiped enough at this time

Brother Kempton spoke a few moments Believed this to be
the kingdom of God had No Doubt of it

Presidnt Young remarked that the Gentile would take excepton
to what is said Here I know as the Lord lives that the people
of the United States have departed from the spirit & letter
of their Constitution And this people will be the ownly
the people that will sustain ^it^

G A Smith arose & said we are a singular people if we
signify that we cannot worship as other sects do but want
to exercise our rights it is considered Treason But a
Senator from South Caralinia could rise up in the Halls
of Congress & declare that that the United States was more
tyranical than the Goverment of Austra & South Carolina
would resist the Goverment this would not be considered
treason But dont be alarmed God rules our destiny
& will rule the world & if we do our dooty their is no
power that can harm us for we will make God our ref

Br Gifford spoke a few moments & bore testimony of the
work of God Had Been in the Church 21 years in June next

Wm W Phelps next followed said this was the third
time He had been to a Dedication of a House built to worship
God I was at kirtland while the Angel of the Lord came in
& sat there During service. A Hymn was sung & Adjned
till 2 ock

Met according to adjoument singing & Prayer. The President
then said we shall now lay before the conference the manifesto
of the Recepts & expenditures of the Tithing from Oct 1848
to March 27th 1852

Amount Received in cash $28950.00
In Produce $90310.803
In Horses Mules Cattle &c 23515.45
In Houses Lots Lands & wggons 66546.21
In Labour 35445.04
[Total] $244747.03
Profits on Store goods 17711.70
Goods Bought not yet paid for 42372.43
Loaned cash not Paid 17731.17


Council House $45833.00
Store & Store House $50000.00
Livingston store 8000.00
Wm Store 4650.00
Old Bowery & Removing 3500.00
Blacksmith shop 3500
Tabernacle 18500
Bath House 6600
Mint &c 3500
Making fencees 5000
1st Church farm 15000
Paid for city Lots 15654.97
Deserett Potery 7200
New Office 500
College 1123
Services of Tithing office clerk &c. 83883.34
Houses built 12462.34
Cost of Hay fed to Horses 500
Teams & Provisions for Iron Co 3000
Total of All $353765.69
Yet to be accounted for 36495.12
Property on Hand 74550.04

Many remarks was
made by the Recorder
which are not Here
incerted explaniton
of the same
Those figures with
No explanation opposit
was lost in Reporting or
not put down

President Young Remarked for my own satisfaction & great
consolation there has not one Dollar gone into the hands of
a Lawyier as in the days of Joseph at that time almst
evry dollar had to go into the hands of the Lawyeiers they
prosecuted him all the day long. But I said I would
kill any man that sought to take me many thought my
purse reached from Eternity to Eternity that there was
No End. we were called Bogus makers Brother Kimball
said we would go whare we could coin the pure gold $10
at a lick we have done so even $20 at a time Our Brethrn
went to Calafornia the Hand of God was in all this they opened
the gold mines and the Lord had a Design in it to see who
would be tryed by it. Never did nor never will any of the
saints go to dig gold ther without being sent without being damned
by it mark my words if we go onto the devils ground we shall
be left to smell Hell we shall feel the wrath of God if I was
sent there by the Lord I would go But the Lord has not called

me to go many Elders in Israel s[om]e [text faded] good men have tryed
it & smutted themselves up so that it is quite a question if
they will ever be washed clean I have said I did not think
their was $1 in $20 paid in Tithing that has Been spent
on the public works but it seems from the Book that
there has been about one fourth the other three fourths
I have had to borrow. If I have to Borrow all the
money that is used and none assist me to pay it it will
make my head ake I have trusted the Lord & served him
all the day long And when I undertake any thing I persevere
untill I accomplish it I see the difference betwen trusting
in God & doing business according to the order of the world
their is not one hair droped from my head unnoticed
& does God not know what I want. their never was a
miracle ownly to the dIgnorant. It is all to be accounted for
on Natural principles. The Lord will not turn stone & clay
into gold to suit me their is enough without it Jesus did not make
Bread out of stone but He had knowledge & power & did call togethe
the elements to make Bread & the elements into the water to make
wine & he can call the elements together to make gold as well
as bread & wine. But the Lord is not going to work a miracle to cloth
us raise your wool & flax & spin & weave it & make it up & not
have to pay cash for evry pound you use & what you by is Hardly
worth making up but what you make is strong & will wear

Brother Major spoke on Home Manufacture a few moments

Wednesday Evening

The Elders filled the House at an early Hour And was Addressed By
President B. Young who arose & said this is certainly a mixed
congregation of all the officers of the Church we are to be instruct
ed in all things. the knowledge that is now in the midst of this people is
more than in all the world besides. All sceience is in the midst of
this people even if they have not learned it as the world has. I have
my cogitations & views of the affairs of this kingdom But I have
learned that we must write work to the scribe if not we may
fail in it But if we work in faith & confidence the Lord is
apt to Help us. I asked a favor of the Bishops to divide the money
debts in each ward, that it might be paid. Let us contend with
ourselves & disipline ourselves untill evry thing that is within us
is brought in subjection to the Law of Christ you have been
taught the first principles of the gospel now teach yourselves &
the Church. Our school is the school of the prophets this is a school
to plain & polish ourselves and suppose under such privilege we
should endulge in evil & neglect our families & our duty to God
all our former sins would be upon our Heads it is for a man
to commit himself & all that He presides over unto gGod to do his will
& continue to do it untill you are sanctifyed. if your Neighbor
does you evil do not do evil to them bear with him & set him
right but dont quarrel with him but be careful that you
conduct yourself well untill you are prepared for the society of Holy
men this is as I said the school of the Prophets Our Baptism is
ownly the Begining of our work you must then go on to perfection
you must perform this work our children understand the gospel
but do they understand the way to govern their lives we will never
se a day but what we can learn we shall not inherit the glory of
God all at once or understand all knowlede but God teaches us small
principles to prepare us for greater ones Let us learn in this school

there is a great many Books of Education of the presient day the main
main Branch of our study is Theology I understand it Better than
any of the world. Adam, Enoch, Moses & Aaron, Jesus & the Apostle
Halve all been in the same school in their day & Have faithfuly lernd
that they might be perfected. They are my Brethren & will be my
company And I now tell you if you want me to have full fellowsip
with you scease speking evil of God & all good men whether in
Heaven or on Earth.

When a man is in the right tract He will come
& lay down any thing at the feet of a Brother to settle a difficulty
& rather wrong themselves than to have a difficulty do for the truth sake
& my sake take my councel. The people want Revelating this is
Revelation A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right If you wanted Revelation written I could
write Revelation evry day about Building a Temple diging gold going
to England or any othe place I profess to be an Apostle Evry Apostle
will have to be a Revelator & have Revelations if their is thousands of
them if they do their duty & live up to thei calling if not they will
have to be removed But A man that is not an Appostle has
not power to stand at the Head of the Kingdom of God Hold the keys of
the priesthood & build up & lead the chuch of God the Highest Authory
on the Earth is an Apostle

Jesus Christ will have a set of men
Bg Young said with him that will follow him to the [end]
And to all that He requirs of them they will have the greater glory
but those that cannot endure these things will have a Lesser glory

G. A. Smith followed & said I want to bear my testimony
to the Saints Many want a mission But let me tell you that any
man who has been baptized into this kingdom that moment He
took a mission whill will contine untill death before it closes
if we do not work in all things agreeable to the council of the Church it
would not be right talk of paying one tenth & buying our way to Heaven
Brother Joseph wished the Seventies to subscribe as much as as a gimbl &
Handle to build up the Seventies Hall if Brothr Joseph Young Had the
right spirit He would not ask for such subscriptions if the Elders
was as ready to build that Hall as they would be to go on a missin
they would rise up & do it right off & the quicker you commence
to build the quicker it will be finished & such a Hall will be worth
5 times the amount of personal property make your large farms large
large Houses & Have spare Rooms & neglect public Building it would be
a loss you may work yourself almost to death And then be
called away at a momets warning I was called to go to Iron
. Some Elders that was called to go on that Mission sent
gold diggers to go in their place & fill the missin for them I
never thought of leaveing a mission that was given me untill
that mission was closhed closed up many worked all winter
to build & put in grain then Left it in the spring & go home. Our
Mormon News is our paper we should sustain it. we are neglecting
the Education of our children knowledge is power the Lord will
Help those who help themselves the English by the knowledge they possessed
conqured 200,000000 of people & brought them in subjection to ther own
Laws what we learn we shall carry with him us the mobs
will burn our houses & destroyed our property but they cannot
burn or destroy the knowlede of our hearts. we should keep
the Sabbath it is not right to spend this day in Hunting cattle &
labouring but should spend the time in the worship of God & we should
improve each leasure momet in treasureing up knowledge if we

could lay up one [more] [text faded] Idea each day for a year we should have a
store of knowledge that no man could exhaust in a speech of thre
hours in length and the wicked could not stand before you. the
most learned man of the day is Burrett A Blacksmith He was a
self learned & made man pay attention to this Brethn & improve you
by it we now have the privilege of speaking in one of the Best Halls
in the world thank God Amen

Zera Pulsipher spoke & Bore testimy of the work


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

56 mentions
Scriptural Figure
296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
298 mentions
Clapp, Benjamin Lynn
19 Aug 1814 - 21 Oct 1865
141 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3455 mentions
Apostle, Family
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
352 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
1 mention
Historical Figure
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1435 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Sherwood, Henry Garlick
20 Apr 1785 - 24 Nov 1867
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Banks, John
6 Feb 1806 - 15 Jun 1862
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
Young, John (Jr.)
22 May 1791 - 27 Apr 1870
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
124 mentions
Clapp, Mary Shultz
2 Apr 1815 - 13 Nov 1874
6 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
694 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
548 mentions
Bullock, Thomas
23 Dec 1816 - 10 Feb 1885
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions
Snow, Willard Trowbridge
6 May 1811 - 21 Aug 1853
16 mentions
Zion's Camp
5 mentions
Major, William Warner
27 Jan 1804 - 2 Oct 1854
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

dont be alarmed God rules our destiny & will rule the world & if we do our dooty their is no power that can harm us for we will make God our ref uge
~ George A. Smith
Let us contend with ourselves & disipline ourselves untill evry thing that is within us is brought in subjection to the Law of Christ
~ Brigham Young
we should keep the Sabbath it is not right to spend this day in Hunting cattle & labouring but should spend the time in the worship of God
~ George A. Smith
knowledge is power the Lord will help those who help themselves. the English by the knowledge they possessed conquered 200,000000 of people & brought them in subjection to there own Laws what we learn we shall carry with him us the mobs will burn our homes & destroyed our property but they cannot burn or destroy the knowlede of our hearts.
~ George A. Smith
the Lord has called upon this people & ordained them to preach the gospel & make war upon the powers of darkness & continue that warfare untill the Earth is redeemed & the name of God honored am[on]g men who should spend all of his life in preaching the gospel & should ownly bring in one man into the kingdo of God who should be saved with an Everlasting salvation that man would have cause to rejoice through all Eternity over the redemption of that one Soul & if He brings ^m^any souls into the kingdom of God His Joy will be still greater.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The warfare of the saints is great in the Earth in this dispensa tion & we should all take hold of it with a determination to conquer & never scease untill our warfare is accomplished and evry man will be satisfyed with his reward in the End.
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apr 7, 1852