Day in the Life

May 1, 1852

Journal Entry

May 01, 1852 ~ Saturday

May 1st Started before Breakfast & rode 8 miles & fed
then then went off the road & had to make a new
road went to a creek & camped for the night in
a snow storm

Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Letter to Marshall Heywood, circa 1856
GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, To Millard Fillmore, President of the United States of North America: The undersigned, citizens of the Territory of Utah, do most respectfully submit the following petition to the Honorable Chief Magistrate of the United States. Believing that the unanimous voice and request of the permanent male citizens of this Territory, without distinc tion of political or religious parties, will receive due consideration in the mind of the National Executive before he shall confer appointments for Territorial officers for Utah, We beg leave to submit the following names, viz: Hon: Willard Richards for Secretary; Heber C. Kimball for Chief Justice; and Orson Hyde for Associate Jus- tice. These names, be assured honored Sir, have long been known by the entire mass of this people, and represent men whose integrity, patriotism, and loyalty to the United States have hitherto been untarnished by the breath of suspicion among the citizens of Utah. Their legal qualifications are ample to subserve the ends of justice, and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States; and their appointment will promote confidence and give entire satisfaction to this whole people, as the following signatures indicate: and, also, perpetuate the most amicable relations with all the members of the National Confederacy by their affable and liberal bearing to all men without culpable affection or favor. It is conceived that their being permanent residents among us, will obviate the recurrence of such difficulties as might arise from sudden removals or resignation, which have recently occasioned so much excitement and evil surmisings in our nation. Should these men meet with your approbation and that of the Senate, and be appointed to the offices designated for our infant Territory, be assured, a great hearted, patriotic, loyal, and industrious peo- ple, as they ever have done, will continue to pray.
Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855


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May 1, 1852