Day in the Life

Jun 13, 1852

Journal Entry

June 13, 1852 ~ Sunday

13 I spent the time in meeting Reporting
president Young Addressed the meeting


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Discourse 1852-06-13
W Woodruff this forenoon [h]ad quite {a} feast {in the} remarks {of} our Pres[iden]t there [a]r[e] 100s {of} El[ders] co[ul]d speak {the} same experience {with the} dealings {of} those Sp[irit] {with} men if Kings {and} rulers wo[ul]d but rec[ieve] truth {and} follo[w] it {how} diff[eren]t wo[ul]d {be the} condon [condition] {of} man co[ul]d {the} 12 {and the} El[ders] who [a]r[e] with them they co[ul]d tell {a} tale {that} wo[ul]d intr [interest] your mind Truth {is} so opposed {in the} world, ministers tremble before {the} truth, many {of} them walk their rooms till midnight they cannot sleep {the [illegible shorthand]} Sp[irit] commenced {with} Joseph when Moroni del[ivere]d {the} records {to} Joseph {the} Arch enemy came nigh upsetting him Jos[ep]h did not obt[ai]n {the} record {be a} considerable lingth {of} time {as he} o[the]rwise wo[ul]d if {he} [h]ad obeyed strictly {the} angel {of the Lord} W Woodruff was requested {to} ask {a} bless{ing on the} bread ({and} then continued) {the} moment persons [a]r[e] baptized they gain {an} ascendency over {the} devil {and} thereby becomes {a} Savior {to his} family {and} perhaps o[the]rs but if {he} afterwards turn away from {the} truth {he is} ashamed of {by the} Devil {all} good men {and} goes down {to} hell {and is} damd {the} ppl called {the} united brethren [h]ad {been} pray{ing for} Light & truth {I} went {as a} stranger {to} bro Benbow {he} rec[ieve]d me into {his} house {and the} next night preached {the} gospel {and in a} little over 7 months 1800 {we} baptized {and} most {of} them [a]r[e] now {in} this valley bro Kington inquired {of the Lord and} rec[ieve]d {a} manifestat[io]n. therefore {he and all his} flock obeyed {the} gospel {there is no} man who gives way {to the} evil Sp[irit] but loses by it any man that commits {a} sin loses 10 times more than {he} ever gained by it. {If we} never spoke until {we} [h]ad thought Twice {how} much wo[ul]d {it} save husbands wives {and} families {the} preach{ing of} our Pres[iden]t or any El[der] {in} Is[rael] clothed {with} Sp[irit] {and} power {of God is} sweeter {to} me than any music Kingdoms {and} Countries {have been} burst by those men {of} truth {we have been} raised {in the} traditions {of} Christianity our children {will} not {have to} do this {we have} [h]ad {to} ^un^learn {all we} knew our children {have the} advantage {of} us W Woodruff then asked {a} blessing {on the} Water {and} again continued we shod {and} try {to} profit {by the} teachings our Pres[iden]t gives unto us &c


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Jun 13, 1852