Day in the Life

Aug 8, 1852

Journal Entry

August 08, 1852 ~ Sunday

8th Sunday I spent the day at Meeting & reported Presidnt
B Youngs discours G. D Watt reported the same as is published
in Extra Deserett News containing the new Revelatin
on Patriarchal Matrimony


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
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Apostle, Family

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Discourse 1852-08-08
W Woodruff notwithstanding {to the} diff[iculty] {in} France {the Lord has} blest them {and} enabled them {to} sow {the} seed {to the} faithful {the} El[ders] {have} got {to have their} faith tried {I} feel {though the} S[ain]ts {and} Strangers who r [are] not members {of} this Ch[urch] {have} heard suff[icien]t {to} encourage them {to} grasp {for} those things laid bef[ore] them any thing {that we} see carrys {with it} immortality {how} clearly {the} flood {of} darkness {was} removed {from} bef[ore] our eyes {the} vision {that was} read this morn{ing and the} remarks made thereon show {the} power {of a God} {and} read {a} portion {of his} journal p[ar]t {of a} discourse {that was} given by Pres[iden]t Joseph Smith Jan 21 [18]44 did not Joseph's mind run {the} same {as we} ad [had] this morn{ing} {you know well} well that Joseph's mantle fell {on} our Prest if {the} cloak {of} tradit[io]n {is} taken {off the} minds {of the} ppl they wo[ul]d Bel[ieve] {as we} do Angel {has} ag[ai]n appeared {to} men {and} 1000s now rej[oice] {in the} truth {it} does not require any one {to} bear record {of} our Prest {for you know he is} speak{ing the} word {of God} unto us {he} watches over us {to} save us {from} death {and} dest[ructio]n {and is} amply suf[icien]t. {we} ought {to} sust[ai]n {the} hands {of} those who bear {off the} Kin[gdom] know{ing we shall have} joy {in} our work &c &c


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Aug 8, 1852