Day in the Life

Jul 5, 1852

Journal Entry

July 05, 1852 ~ Monday

July 5th Monday This day was spent in celebration
A single key with teeth to the right of the 4th of July. Govornor Young & Escort were
escorted to the Tabernacle by the Mormon Battalion
sSilver Grays Horse company &c The day was spent
The day was spent making speeches singing prayer &c


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family


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if all the world fight against me I will not deny my religion or my God
~ Brigham Young

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Letter from Ilus Fabyan Carter, 5 July 1852
133 miles out from S. Lake My Dear Sister & Bro Having an opportunity of sending by Mr. Brown I write a few lines to say that I am quite well and progressing finely I am pleased that the ordinance of baptism was administered to me and am sorry that i am not authorized to do the same to any one that might wish it. I think your friend M. Pince and perhaps John will soon think favorable enough of the [pm] to adopt it should an opportunity offer and I wish to it all my fellow men what good I am in this cold uncharitable world. I had a very narrow escape this morning from a serious accident for which I feel very thankful to our Heavenly Father and the kind friends for their prayers for me protection from him Fearing the Indians might trouble as we were examining our rifles, guns and pistols, one large rifle band hose pistel requiring reloading I undertook to discharge it at a mark, it burst in many pieces in my hands, but injured me but a trible, all expressed their great surprised at the result.


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Jul 5, 1852