Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1852

Journal Entry

July 11, 1852 ~ Sunday

11th Sunday I was at meeting


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if all the world fight against me I will not deny my religion or my God
~ Brigham Young

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Discourse 1852-07-11
W Woodruff joined {his} test[imony] {to the} bre[thre]n {of the} Ch[urch] {of} J[esus] C[hrist] {of} L[atter] L [Day] S[aints] {it} creating singular sensations {in the} minds {of the} Strangers {to} find {a} city Tab[ernacle] filled ^{with a}^ community gath[erin]g {from} almost every nation {we have} heard {the} 1st prin[ciples] laid down {which was} followed {by} our beloved Presn {it is no} more strange than true {the} ppl feel strong {in} ask{ing if we} bel[ieve] {in the} Prest {there} never {as a} ch[urch] org[anize]d {with out a} Pro[phe]t {the} gifts cont[aine]d {in it} embrace {the} gift {of} Prophesy {and} {we} see ppl {from} every State {and} almost every nation under heaven asked {a} bless{ing on the} bread {how} coame these vallies occupied by men {from} diff[ere]n[t] countries {shorthand} gath[ere]d tog[ethe]r {shorthand} prin[ciples] {shorthand} J[esus] C[hrist] {I have} prayed many {a} time {for the} gifts {and} bless{ings it is in} ans[were]r {shorthand} promises {in the} Bible {that you} see what {you [do] to} day {the} message which commensed {with} J[oseph] S[mith] {being} called {a} Pro[phe]t Seer {and} Revelator {and from} him {has been} sent {to the} diff[ere]n[t] nations {of the} E[arth] {it is} our duty {to} rec[iev]e {that} message {it was} while pray{ing to God} {for} wisdom {that he} rec[ieve]d {the} message {a} few honest hearts rec[ieve]d it {and the} Ch[urch] {was} organized {with} only 6 members {in} 1830 {the} test[imony] {of} J[esus] C[hrist] {is the} Sp[irit] {of} Prophecy {we have a} Prophet now {he} holds {the} Keys {of the} Kin[gdom] {of God we have} many Prophets among us men who {have the} gifts {of the} gospel asked {a} bless{ing on the} cup C C R {it} takes Prophets apostles {to} make {the} Church {of} Christ {a} Prophet {of} old s[ai]d {the Lord God will} never do any thing unless {he} reveals {it to his} serv[ant]s {the} Prophets [Amos 3:7] if {the} Stranger never sees {the} face {of} our Prophet they {will know not the} lda[y] {to} come {[if] they have} heard {the} voice {of the} Prophet {and it will be} ei[the]r {a} savor {of} life unto life or death unto death {a} change {is} taking place {in the} Earth {and the} power {of the} Devil {will} manifest {it on the} [illegible] {[illegible shorthand]} {and the} Kin[gdom] {of God} {[illegible shorthand]} {I know that} gospel {is} true {the Lord has} but one plan {of} sal[vatio]n {and is} not 600 diff[ere]n[t] ways {to} Heaven my pra[ye]r {to God is that the} Stranger {will} search {the} Bible {for} themselves {and} rec[ieve] {a} test[imony] {that having} heard {and} ma[y] {it} prove {a} safvor {of} life unto life {and} not {of} death unto death


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Jul 11, 1852