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Day in the Life

Jul 3, 1853

Journal Entry

July 03, 1853 ~ Sunday

3rd Sunday W Woodruff addressed the people took for his text
I have set before you life & death chose ye whom you will
serve if the Lord be God se[r]ve him if Baal serve him
O Hyde followed in making remarks


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Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
670 mentions

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Discourse 1853-07-03
W Woodruff we are blest as a people in having life & death set before us every thing that leads to do evil is from the Devil & that will deprive him of our exaltation it is really unpopular in the world to worship God in truth & a person is forbidden to pray before Senators & officers except in a popular manner—& the general disposition is to cheat or abuse his neighbor & thus they receive all the effects of Sin & Death & shew forth a dividing line between them, & the people who receive truth & light hence the ordinances of the gospel are very simple altho 666 different sects profess to show mankind the way to glory & heaven the LDS. have become a wonder to the world by shewing unity & they preach the same gospel as bhas been preached in every age of the world shewing the figure of a perfect body & by having the truths of eternity they can comprehend the glory of God we do not ask the world to mourn for us, but to weep for themselves as they are like the ox going to the slaughter, they know not the da[y] of their visitation & little think that the judgments of the Almighty ^John Taylor^ are to be poured out upon the nations of the Earth shew me the nation that has rejected the Servants of God & their testimony & I will shew you a nation ripe for the judgments of God for when men refuse the light & truth we can not help it. man will worship ^(B. Young)^ any thing in preference to God & will choose death instead of life, & exhorted the Emigrants & all persons to obey the first principles of the gospel & prayed for the blessings of the Lord to rest upon all of them. if a person has not the Spirit of God he should pray God to give it to him &c.


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Jul 3, 1853