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Day in the Life

Jul 11, 1853

Journal Entry

July 11, 1853 ~ Monday

11th I spent the time on the public works

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Letter from Ilus Fabyan Carter, 11 July 1853
Portland Maine July 11th 53 Recd of Elder W. Woodruff since Jany. 1st, 1853 the following sums of money From Dr. Brimhisel 153.35 Jany, 17 [From] [Dr.] [Brimhisel] 29.00 July 8th Draft in Feburary department 450.00 [July] 11 [Draft] [in] [Feburary] [department] 62.50 [July 11] [Draft] From St Louis (G Steward) 1000.00 $1694.80 Sanborn & Carter pr I. F. C. Brother W. Above I feel you right, for money recd here delayed hoping to be able to include the amount sent by Mr Huner. I regret very much his delinquency for that would have made the amount large, very large, much none then I could have expected. I hope that will all be well yet, shall wait with anxiety to hear from you in the subject as It is in his way there your state in your letter just recd


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Jul 11, 1853