Day in the Life

May 5, 1854

Journal Entry

May 05, 1854 ~ Friday

May 5th Friday We left Union fort rode to dry creek settle[men]t
made a short halt then drove to the American fork 25 miles
& spent the night the ^people^ Assembled for a meeting I was called
upon to address the people the following is a key to the remarks
which I made I said to the people that I should confine my
remarks to those things that immediately consern us you have
[been] counselled to build forths & wall in your cities with strong
walls for several years throughout this Territory but the people
have not done it the[y] have been vary slow to harken to the
counsel of the servants of God from the begining even in the
days of Joseph all the people were ready to acknowledge
he was a profit & looked to him to receive salvations
at his hands & was ready to have him controll them in all
matters appertaining to what the people termed spiritual
things but if He wanted $100 dollars in money He would have
to employ all the Twelve & mortgage his farm in order to
get it the traditions of the people were so strong that they
could not bear the Idea of having a Prophet dictate their tem-
poral affairs but I wish to ask a question which is the
most important to you A part in the first resurrection in
exaltation & glory in the celestial kingdom of God with all
its attendant blessings or a few Horses cattle gold & goods Judge
ye then why should it be thought a thing incredible or unjst
unjust for a profit of God who is called to guide & controll us in
all the weighty matters that consern us should also counsel us
in those lesser matters of every day life now go to & build
your wall around your city as you have been commanded to do
& the blessings of God will rest upon you but if you refuse
to follow the counsel given there is a rod preparing for you
& it will be but a short time before you will see the hand
of God
visible in the counsel that has been given to this people
in building strong walls around these cities many other
remarks was made but not here recorded

President Kimball followed & said that what Brother
Woodruff had said was true his words are true President
Young comes here to visit the people & tell them what He wants
done He has sent men to you also to tell you what to do & that
is the same as though he had been with you himself you have
got to follow his counsel. And you have to fulfill your coven[an]ts
which you made at the waters of Baptism we must not forget
God He intends we shall do that which we ought to do when
God tels us to do any thing we should go to work & do it willingly
I am telling what is our duty. many often want to Jump
over under officers so as to get to President Young I have
lived in the days of Joseph & in the days of President Young & I
have always obeyed those men for they were placed over me
to obey them it is the duty of this people to obey their lead-
ers it is the duty of my family to obey me I have no misteries
to give you for I have none but my busness is to teach you
the truth well you are told to make a wall around your city
and you have it to do you read in the Book of mormon that
the people had to wall in their cities in ancient days we have it
to do in our day you have to become one or you are not the Lords [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27]

you are a good people but their is great room for imp-
rovement in this city. the last one that we visited.
I would like to see this people in good houses & gardens
& in good forts. now when you come to the conference
you all vote to sustain President Young now you have got
to honour this man he holds the Keys crossed of the kingdom of God
and sustain him or the Lord will not save & exhalt
you in his kingdom. I pray that you may do right & serve
the Lord I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

President Young arose and said I am willing to say a few
words If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart &
mind & work in their temporal things which they do
understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which
they cannot understand. If you would too [do] as you are told then
all would be right when the Lord requires any thing
at your hands dont ask any questions but go to & do as
you are counselled to do you may ask is their any danger
of the Indians you do not always know what danger you
are in but always do as you are told & then you are


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1466 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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I wish to ask a question which is the most important to you A part in the first resurrection in exaltation & glory in the Celestial Kingdom of God with all its attendant blessings or a few Horses Cattle gold & goods Judge ye then why should it be thought a thing incredible or unjst unjust for a profit of God who is called to guide & controll us in all the weighty matters that consern us should also counsel us in those lesser matters of every day life
~ Wilford Woodruff
And you have to fulfill your covenants which you made at the waters of Baptism we must not forget God. He intends we shall do that which we ought to do when God tels us to do any thing we should go to work & do it willingly
~ Heber C Kimball
If the Latter Day Saints cannot become one hart & mind & work in their temporal things which they do understand they cannot become one in Eternal things which they cannot understand.
~ Brigham Young
we read in the New Testament that faith is the assurance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not seen have we all got faith it is our duty to have faith in God & his word & promises you have to trust in God. He will not reveal all things u[n]to us
~ Brigham Young

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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
we left Union Fort for Dry Creek Settlement, made a short stay there and then drove on to American Fork where at night we assembled the people for meeting. They were addresed by Wilford Woodruff Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young.


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May 5, 1854