Day in the Life

Aug 20, 1854

Journal Entry

August 20, 1854 ~ Sunday

20th Sunday I Attended meeting I spoke to the
people in the afternoo Samuel Richards Just arived fr[om]
England spoke in the forenoon


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Richards, Samuel Whitney
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909


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Discourse 1854-08-20
W. Woodruff while meditating upon our present blessings I new a contrast with {the} times that r [are] gone by {the} question with me {is} do we realize them {and} acknoledg {the hand of God in} it we {as a} ppl never were better situated than at present time we cld [could] searce ever go {to the} Tabernacle without trouble we {have} [h]ad much {to} contend with {I} see {the} prophecies now fulfilled or as men {were} moved upon by {the} HG {to} proclaim these things {to the} wrld Joseph {and those} who {were with} him at {the} begin{ing were} moved upon by {the} H.G. it was {in the} midst {shorthand} peril trouble {and} labor they proclaimed {the} gospel {in} simplicity they now rejoice {to} see {the} result {of} their labors {the} Elders {have} passed thru deep afflictions but we can rejoice now {and} wld [would] this ppl exchange situations with {the} one {we} had {in} Nauvoo No they wod not {and} we now [ark] forward by faith {and} hope {as} we r {in} {the} [Kin] {of} God {and have the} privilege {of} living {in} this day asked {a} blessing on {the} cup {of} water we can now {be} tau[gh]t principles {of} eternal life {and} can look abroad on Earth {and} see {the} fulfilment {of} prophecies {on the} Earth {and} can see {the} servants {of} God sustained {in the} midst {of} it {and} we shod {be} continually inspired {to} do our duty s {w} can enjoy blessings {and have} every thing {to} restrain us {from} evil all things r right {and} it {is a} consolation {to} see we that {have} living oracles with us da by da {and} we {shall be} blest {in} all things that {we} r made stewards over we have {the} privilege {of} getting rid {of} our stuperstitions {and} ma {we} do so {and be} prepd for all {the} blessings that await us ma[y] God grant for Christ's sake amen

Aug 20, 1854