Day in the Life

Dec 5, 1854

Journal Entry

December 05, 1854 ~ Tuesday

5th I rode to Box Elder & preached in the evening at
the school House this place contains 60 famili[e]s
Brother Davis Bishop. the majority of the people are Welsh
& dDanish & mostly poor but little wheat raised the past
year the Bishop had 24 ^20^ tons of tithing Hay in hand & 15
bushels of wheat they have no school this winter
their fort wall is laid out 200 rods long 100 rods
wide not built to be of stone 3 1/2 feet thick at the bottom
2 feet at the top 8 feet High is in progress of Erection 8 mils


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Davis, William
10 Mar 1801 - 3 Jul 1879
13 mentions
1840 British Convert, Missionary


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Letter from Ozem Woodruff, 5 December 1854
Richland Dec [5]—Dear Brother Willford I have sent you my best sort off fruit some 30 Different kindes as soon as you receive those [s]cions take them out and put them in to a boxx off dry sawdust or dry mosse cover them loose not pack them tit so as to have them mold then put them in to your cellar becarful they do not mold iff they are like to mold take them out rub off the mold are[air] them are them and put them back be careful they do not leave before yo set them. I hav written to Aphek to go and set them for you wether he will or not I cannot say he says to is a comming holme this spring ill he fell last summer in a [sauna] and hirt him self he is now well and to work with Jacob Russel oldest sone William ^Russel^ make your wax one & tallow one & beeswax three & rasum melted oveer aslow fier till melted then pore it into cold water then pull it like cande till it is white as snow grees your handes when you pull your wax allso when you graft I have whittled one [s]cion for ^graft^ three budes is ^[long]^ plenty to cut off 3 Buds is sufficient to cut off


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Dec 5, 1854