Day in the Life

Dec 10, 1854

Journal Entry

December 10, 1854 ~ Sunday

10 Sunday night I attended meeting in the Tabernacl
Charles C. Rich APreached to the people in the fore noon
upon the rise & progress of the settlement of San Barnadi[no]

W Woodruff preached in the after noon upon the
subject of tithing, the poor fund & the education of
our children was followed E T Benson


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Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
353 mentions
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions


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Discourse 1854-12-10
W Woodruff gave a short sketch of his Mission North to Box Elder—his subjects were on Tithing, Poor Fund &c ^G D Watt reporting.^ I had a good time, they are generally paying their tithing then spoke on the drivings of the Saints from City to City & have not had time to educate our children we have seen our brethren in prison, chains & gore but now we are injoying the blessings of life Then asked a blessing on the water we are very liable to forget the hand that has led us to this place—here men speak in different languages & tongues the good things of God. there never has been a time the Church has stood still not even in Far West or Missouri or in Ill: now they are increasing by 1000 & if you will increase the P E Fund you can gather thousands where you now do hundreds. in Europe they hardly done pray for fear of a Policeman taking them to Jail we have paid all to the Devil, & the enemies of righteousness many a time then let us now pay our tithes to the Lord We who are fathers will soon be worn out when our sons will have to take the burden your Sons will soon be sent among the nations of the Earth to preach the gospel he requested the young men to improve their time learn phonography & keep a history of events as they transpire in the world we have got to carry out the principles of Unity if we are the children of God


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Dec 10, 1854