Day in the Life

Dec 25, 1854

Journal Entry

December 25, 1854 ~ Monday

25th A single key with teeth to the left Christmas I met with the inhabitants of
the 14 ward & deliverd an address to the people & was
followed by remarks from Isacc Morley Bishop Hoagnd
& others meeting continued till 1 oclock when we were
dismissed for 2 hours when the people came together ag[ai]n
& spent the afternoon & evening in the dance & all seemed
to enjoy themselves well. There was a great excitement
[FIGURE] through our city during the fore part of
the day. some of the souldiers that were
quartered in the heart of our city became intoxicated &
began to fight among themselves & soon some of the citizens
became mixed with them the soldier mixed fired upon
the people & the people flung stones in return some
were wounded on both sides but none killed. the Military
officers drove the soldiers into the Barracks & the Mayor &
Marshall of the city cleared the streets of the citizens
which ended the fray


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Hoagland, Abraham Lucas
24 Mar 1797 - 14 Feb 1872
Morley, Isaac
11 Mar 1786 - 24 Jun 1865
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp


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Letter from John Milton Bernhisel, 25 December 1854
Washington Elder Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Your communication of the 30th of October was received on the night of the 21st instant. I regret to hear that a part of my goods are missing. There were two bales of blankets, one of blue, and the other of white, and eleven bales of other goods. I desired brother Eldredge, if the load should be too heavy to leave the box or chest you received, at Saint Louis, but it seems he brought this and left another which I regret. In the box he brought there are three or four reams of writing and letter paper of a superior quality, envelopes large and small, pencils and quills, if you think you can dispose of these articles you may get them and do so. I approve you plan of taking the good into the country to dispose of. The missing bale is probably a bale of blankets, there was no bale of blankes
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
There was a great excitement through our city during the forepart of the day. Some of the soldiers who were quartered in the heart of the city became intoxicated and began to fight among themselves and soon some of the citizens became mixed with them. The soldiers fired upon the people and the people fired stones upon them in return. Some were wounded on both sides but none killed. The military officers drove the


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Dec 25, 1854