Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1855

Journal Entry

January 01, 1855 ~ Monday

Jan 1st 1855
[FIGURE] The Governor & Legislative Assembly of the Territory
of Utah
made the most splendid party ever got up in
these mountains as far a feast & decorations were
concerned. The U. S. Judges & Military officers were
invited. danceing commenced at 3 oclock dinner at
9 & supper at 12 oclok an account of the procedings
was published in the Deserett News


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Related Documents

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Letter from Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes, ca. 1855

Poem from Susan Cornelia Woodruff, ca. 1855-1856

Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly

Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855

To 1 draft per Haywood 1302 00 Total $7495 18

Business/Financial - List of Supplies Account Book, 1850-1855

Letter from Beulah Woodruff, ca. 1855

Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856

Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856

Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856

Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866

of Utah]] on the made the most splendid party ever got up in these mountains to that date as far as feast and decorations were concerned The United States Judges and military officers were invited. Dancing commenced at 3 o'clock dinner at 9 and supper at 12 On the last day of the month the Southern mail came in. The papers contained an account of the European war and the storming of Sebastopol with a loss of thirteen thousand men five thousand of the allied forces and eight thousands of the Russians I attended a Gramm School taught by Elder Hyde three nights a week he had about thirty schoolars From the opening of the new year up to this date the interval had been spent in the Legislature and in the daily affairs of life


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Jan 1, 1855