Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1855

Journal Entry

January 31, 1855 ~ Wednesday

31st I spent the day home


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Letter from Jonathan Calkins Wright, 31 January 1855
Box Elder Brother W. Woodruff D Sir I arrived home on the 22nd Inst. & found my family are well, & are still the same—I regret very much indeed to inform you, that on my eng- -iving for Sister Woodruffs Breast Pin. I learned that my wife had taken the Liberty to wear it to a party in the ward, & on her returning home the wind blew her neck Ribin off, & the pin was lost in the Snow; she made diligent Search for it, but as yet to no purpose This to us is extremely unpleasant, but it be- ing the facts; I considered it my duty to inf- orm you, unpleasant as it may be to us both, & can only say that I shall continue my diligence in trying to find it, & in case I do not succeed—make it good to you by getting you another one equally as good—at as early a period as I can: & ask your pat- ience & forgiveness, in the mean time as much as possible. Since I came home I have been employed, to teach a school in this Ward—for the term of Six months—46 scholars has been subscribed, at $35 50/100 per quarter School commences next Monday—I am happy also in saying to you, that the Brethren is do- ing a good business on the City wall


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Jan 31, 1855