Day in the Life

Jul 8, 1856

Journal Entry

July 08, 1856 ~ Tuesday

8th I was vary lame & spent the fore part of the day at home & the afternoon
at the office I visited a peace of Australia wheat or barley in the
garden of sister Rich she gave me a few heads of it & I sowed a
part of it in my garden it is a vary fine grain. President Young
has gone to big cotton wood canyon so reported to make preparation for
the 24th July. H. C. Kimball is at home at work on his store house


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3459 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1460 mentions


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Letter from George Albert Smith, 8 July 1856
Washington DC Answered April 2nd 1857 [end of sideways text] Washington DC Juuly 8 1856 My Dear Brother Woodruff your very kind Letter of my 28 came to hand yisterday I am very much Obliged to you for the Information it contained I congratulate ^y[ou]^ for your recovery from your ^Arms^ Poisened and its dreadful consequences my health has been very good most of the time since I Left home I have had the Back door trott for A few days which have kept me near to Quarter most of the time I find it Expensive Living here The Republican Party have got up A Great opposition to us & made Polyamy the scare crow for the Demo^c^rats & the fun of the thing ^is^ they are all scut about it the north seem to unite very Generally upon Fremont for President & there is considerable fear that the Whole North will go the Black Republican or Blue Law ticked to day the Senate are at work upon the House Bill to admit Kansas on the free State Constitution & the House are Quareling about Kansas such & Bedlam as they get up is astonishing to Look at I have heard muck in my life about this mass & confusion in the House of Representatives of the U S But it exedes my Imaginations Our Prospects are Dark & Dr Bernhisel says they grow darker every day the feeling against us is very bitter the most so now then since he was here first


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).

Jul 8, 1856