Day in the Life

Jul 17, 1856

Journal Entry

July 17, 1856 ~ Thursday

17th In company with Professor Carrington Elders S Richards &
Joseph Cain I rode to Farmington to see McCormic's reaper operate
we found it operated extremely well we found the reaper would cut
all the grain & gather it & scearsly leave a head of grain it will cut
about 12 Acres a day we found the crops good North, most of the fields
were ripe & the people were harvesting we found a great quantity of
weeds in the wheat fields & streets a good deal of Hay put up & many
of the stacks were vary poorly put up. we returned home at about 7 oc[loc]k
had a pleasant ride. Distance of the day 30 miles


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Carrington, Albert
8 Jan 1813 - 19 Sep 1889
232 mentions
4 mentions
Stationery Header, Historical Figure
Richards, Samuel Whitney
9 Aug 1824 - 26 Nov 1909


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Letter from John William Cooley, Wilford Hudson, and Arieh Coats Brower, 17 July 1856
Grantsville, . To President Willford Woodruff: Dear Sir: The undersigned, having been unan- imously appointed, by the people of Grantsville, a com- mittee, to petition the First Presidency, through yourself, for an organization in this place, by giving them a Bishop and President, that they may have some one to look up to for counsel and advice. The organization hereto- fore, on account of bad management and many missteps, the people have entirely lost confidence in them; they therefore have declaired themselves, (with the exception four besides the Bishops own family,) from under their rule and administration, which has heretofore kept them in poverty and dis- grace, and wished to be freed from them, and have other men appointed to rule over the affairs of this place, who are competent, and who have the confidence of the people. And we are further authorized and instructed to mention names to you who would be qualified to act in any office, and who would have the entire confidence of the people, to wit: Joseph F. Fippin, Harrison Severe, Jas. McBride, John Thirkell, Aroet L. Hale and Alma H. Hale. Yours, truly, John W. Cooley, Willford Hudson, A. C. Brower.
Letter from John William Cooley, Wilford Hudson, and Arieh Coats Brower, 17 July 1856
Cooley Hudson & Brower to W. Woodruff July 23 ansd


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Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).

Jul 17, 1856