Day in the Life

Aug 30, 1856

Journal Entry

August 30, 1856 ~ Saturday

30th A hand pointing to the right I wrote letters to J. M. Bernhisel G. A. Smith, Editor
of the Mormon, The Lumanary, Orson Pratt, Wm R Prince & to
Thompson Woodruff, I. F. Carter total 8 letters most of which
was put in the copying book it was a vary busy day with us.

President Young was at home through the day attending to the corresspondence
President Kimball & Grant was at home


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1436 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1458 mentions
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
409 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1084 mentions
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
221 mentions

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Letter to Ozem Thompson Woodruff, 30 August 1856

Great Salt Lak City Brother Thompson Dear Sir I wrote you by the Last Mail wishing you to send me again some Apples Cutting next winter to see if we cannot make them live I am also sendig by this Mail to the great Nursery of WmR Prince & Co of Flushing Near New York for 52 different kinds of fruit a catalogue of which I will inclose in the letter to you so that you can see what we have sent for we obtained last sprg some grafts from the States of Calafornie whos are now growing in this City. ^tThay were sent in a tin Box & all lived^ I have budded about put in about 400 buds this seasn to my orchad of Apples peaches plums Apricotts & Almonds I have the following Apples now growing in my orchard so I would not care about having those sane kinds sent to me but I wa[n]t those which I have not got I have got the Englich Russett, Spitzenburgh Early Jarman Bough, Strawbury or Juno eating, Summer pairmain Ball Floor, Fall Pippein, Winter Green from Calafornie, Buckingham winter Apple, Big Red, Ganiton, sum Carolinia Greening, Winter Bron ^Brown^ Stoneburgh, from New York, Jersey Blue. If you have any of the same kind that I have sent for in my list to Princes &co you may se[n]d them to me as I may not get them from that Nu[r]se[r]y I dircted in my last for you to put up a [penele] for me next winter in a tin case & sodder it up tight dir[ec]t to me on the tin & then put a strong wrapper and the tin & dir[ec]t again so that if one should get off will still come I wish you would be sure & se[n]d me the golden Sweet & Seeknofurther ^& Rhode Island greening^ and any other good Apples you may have which is not now growing in my orchard, as I have named above. we have sca[r]sly any swett apple in this vally & any good fruits if sweet appls you have I would like to get if you have any good pairs, plums, cherries gooseberries, Carrots, or any other good fruit pleas put in a few grafts. Pleas do as you did before put a peace of paper tied on each parcel stating ^the name of the fruit^ what ki[n]d of fruit whethr winter fall, or summer fruit as I keep a catalogue of all fruit

Letter to Orson Pratt, 30 August 1856

President Orson Pratt, Dear Sir, The Eastern Mail arrived on the 28th inst, and brought many letters from our Friends at Washington, and other parts of the Globe, with the "Star," "Mormon" and many other papers which gave us the general news of the day, and showed us that the political state of the Atmosphere at Washington and throughout the Nations was anything but calm and serene. We heard but little from our handcart emigration, or any of the back Companies. Philemon C. Merrill and company arrived on the 16th inst; as far as we could learn all well. I had an interview with Dr J. Clinton who was well and in good spirits. The weather has continued dry since we last wrote. Our wheat harvest is gathered and proved to be a much better crop than we could have expected, consi- dering the drouth; the heads were well filled even where the wheat was so short that it had to be pulled, which has been the case with many acres this season. Our corn crop looks quite well. The potatoe crop is nearly a failure, they mostly run to vines. Beets and garden vegetables look well. This season is not our peach bearing year,

Letter to the Editor of the Mormon, 30 August 1856

G. S. L. City Ed. of the Mormon, Dear Sir, The Eastern mail arrived on the evening of the 28th, inst., bringing Mormons up to the 12th July—considerable news from our Washington delegation, and the Eastern country. The weather continues dry and favorable for harvesting. Our wheat crops have proved much better than we had estimated on ac- count of the drouth, and the scanty supply of water from the creeks. Potatoes in the city on the higher land are genererally a failure; on the lower and Farming lands, there are moderate crops; having mostly grown to tops. Corn crops in many places look well. We probably will reap a much larger amount of grain than possibly could have been calculated upon during the dry summer. The wheat has filled remarkably well out in the ear notwithstanding the stalks were so small that in many instances the Farmers have had to pull their grain instead of cutting it. The health of the people during the past season has been remarkably good. During this month Elder Parley P. Pratt and a few bretheren have been appointed on missions to the States. Thomas Bullock, Bernard Snow and several others to Europe. They expect to start on or about the 10th of Sep. On the 10th curt. the first division of Elder P. C. Merrill's coy. came into the city, and since the balance have arrived; being the first company of our emigration this season. The Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society hold their first annual Fair in this ciy, commencing on 1st October; at which there will be an exhibition of stock, agricultural products, Farming and

Letter to Ilus Fabyan Carter, 30 August 1856

Brother I. F. Carter, Dear Sir, The Eastern Mail came in on the evening of the 28th, which is much earlier than usual; it brought me your favor of July 9th, containing the reciept of the money paid by the Hon J. M. Bernhisel. We sent a long family letter to Father Carter by the same mail, also to Shuah and Freedom. We hear nothing said about either letters; we do not know whether they were received or not. I have written to you almost every mail for the last three years, and I have received but few letters from you during the last year, and it seems you do not get near all of mine. We learn by the Mail from our Delegates at Washington that the political Horison, Health of the Nation and friendship for Utah is very dark and gloomy, but it is all right with me, there is a God that will guide the storm unto the end, and will pay every man and nation their just due; and I feel thankful for this, I would rather be in the position of Utah and receive her reward than to be in the position and receive the reward of many others. I do not ask our friends in the States to mourn for us, or pity our condition, but let them mourn and weep for them- selves and prepare for that which is to come. The United

Letter to George Albert Smith, 30 August 1856

Hon. Geo. A. Smith, Dear Sir Among the strange events of the 19th century, the Eastern Mail arrived at 6½ o'clock P.M. of the 28th inst, bringing your letter of July 15th, also your joint letters to Prest. Young, from Washington, in connexion with many other letters, scraps, papers &c. As soon as we obtained them we went up to the President's Office and staid till 1/2 past 10 o'clock; they show us the dark and gloomy state of the political Horizon, Health of the nation, and friend- ship for Utah &c., but we have all this consolation of knowing that there is a God who will guide the Storm unto the End, and give every man and nation their just due—for which we feel thankful; we can see the word of God and prophecies of Joseph, Brigham and other prophets, ancient and modern, fast fulfilling upon the Earth, espe- cially in the United States. It is all right, the storm will soon burst upon the nations, and no power will stay it. I would far rather be in the place of Utah and receive her reward than to have to meet the coming events and have the rewards of the other States and people. You are remembered by us continually; we feel it our duty according to the Bible to pray for both friends and enemies. You will perhaps learn before this reaches you, that

Letter to John Milton Bernhisel, 30 August 1856

Hon J. M. Bernhisel Dear Sir, Our wheat harvest is in, and we begin to have bread again. Bro. Houtz has began to bring flour again to your family, and also some to me, (224 lbs) but as long as he could sell it at a high price, he was careful not to let either of us have any. I have not seen him of late. Money is getting very scarce in this Territory, there is but little in circulation. Your thrashing machine is in operation; I expect to employ it in about a week to thrash 3 or 400 bushels of wheat. Your family are all well. I have had your wood cut up of late, and your oxen have began to draw some (2 loads) I hope they will continue. It is a general time of health with us in this Territory. I think the wheat has come in quite good throughout most of the Territory; corn looks tolerably well; potatoes appear quite a light crop. I have cut both the samples of wheat and corn you sent me from the Patent office: the wheat got ripe in 90 days, it is the California Bearded Wheat, a little Taos in it got ripe in 85 days; the Bearded Wheat is not near as profitable as the Taos a Club. The heads are short, and it yields one third less to the acre, and not as good to handle.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).
First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).

Aug 30, 1856