2nd It is fast day in this city & many of the people spent the day
in fasting & prayer. The State Fair is open to day. President Young
& family go through in the Morning then it is open to the public
The following Apples were named by the fruit committe
Nebekers No 5 Nebekers winter, No 7 spotted Fall, No 3 winter spot
W. Woodruff (large read & white) Mountain Beauty, winter Red
Stains Deseret Sweet (W Richards) Willard Sweet
New names for Peaches B. Youngs, Sweet Cling & Tart Cling Tart Free
A. Carrington Lemon Cling
I passed through the state Fair several times I attended the ploughing
Match at 2 oclok. 9 Men entered for ploughing. 3 prizes wer given
to J. M. Woodlley 1 prize To B. Adams 2nd prize To Wm Carruth 3rd prize
1st premium on wheat | $10 |
1st [premium on] Peas | 3rd Div |
1st [premium on] Beet Molasses | $1 |
1 [premium on] on Early Corn | $2 |
2nd premium on squashes | $1 |
2nd [premium on] Pumpkins | $1 |
2nd [premium on] Beets | 2nd |
2nd [premium on] on Yellow Corn | 3rd Div |
2nd on seedling Apples | $5 |
There was a large throng visited the
fair all day their is a vary fine
collection of evry department almost
even beyoung [beyond] our expectations & is vary
incourageing in this thing
I met with Presidents B. Young J M GrantH. C. Kimble & J. M. Grant
at the House of the Lord at 6 oclok P.M. for the purpose of Dedicating
the Baptismal Font which has of Late been built on the east
side of the House of the Lord there was also present Besides the Presidency
W Woodruff E Hunter Joseph Young D. H. Wells A Carrington L. W. Hardy
J. C. Little & Gilbert Clements.
We went to the Font & knelt down around it & dedicated it unto God
President B. Young called upon President Heber C Kimball to
be Mouth in the dedication prayer. the following is a synopsis of
the dedication prayer reported by W. Woodruff
He said O Gogd the Eternal Father we bow down before tThee upon this
Font which has been made by thy servants to baptize thy people in, for the
purpose of dedicating it unto the Lord our God. we dedicate ourselves before
Thee O Lord & we ask the in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins
that we may have tThy Holy Spirit to guide us in all things that we may
be guided in the ways of the Lord & that we may never do wrong. Look
upon us O God that have now bowed before thee around this Font & help us
to do thy will in all things Acknowledge the[e] in all things and honor Thee &
worship Thee at all times. help us to Honor our Tabernacles that we
may never disgrace ourselves in any thing. Grant unto us thy Holy spirit
that it may quicken our understanding & bring to our understanding rememb-
erance all things which are necessary for us in the discharge of our
duties. We now dedicate this Font unto thee O God. We consecrate it
unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thine Angel O Lord touch
this water & this Font with his Finger that it may be holy unto Thee
Lord. May no unclean thing ever enter into this Font to pullute it
We dedicate ourselves our wive [ink blot] children & all that we have unto the[e]
O Lord our God, may we be thine forever & all that we have.
Now O Lord except of this dedication at our hands and as we go
into this water may our sins be forgiven & not be remembered against
us any more. May we feel the power of God and have power to
work a great Refermation among this people. and may this
people triumph over our enemies & may not our enemies ever
again have power over us but wilt thou cause thine indignation
to burn against them that they shall not have any power
to do thy people harm. Now O Lord look down upon thy servant
Brigham & cloth him with thy power that he may know
the workings of the power of the devel in the Earth & among
this people and he have power to stregth [stretch] forth his
hand unto thy people & do thy work. We now dedicate this
Font to Baptize the Living & the Living for the dead & for
evry purpose which is necessary to perform the work of the
Lord our God, even that the generations which are dead
& passed away may be saved & that the sins of the Living may
be washed away & that the sick may be healed of evry infir-
mety that we may be renewed in body & spirit in all things
except [accept] of this dedication at our hands O Lord & hear
our praysers and we will give all the glory to God our
Heavenly Father and we ask it in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen
After the Font was dedicated President Brigham Young went down
into the water in the Font & Baptized Presidents Heber C. Kimball &
J M. Grant & he laid his hands upon them & confirmed them
mebmbers in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints & blessed
them in the name of the Lord. He blessed Heber C Kimball & Heber C Kimble
was mouth in blessing J. M. Grant
President Young said unto Heber C. Kimball
Brother Heber Chase In the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands
upon your head and I confirm you to be a member in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & I seal upon you the gift
of the Holy Ghost & Eternal life and I ordain & seal upon your
head to be a prophet, seer & revelator in the Church & kingdom
of God & over the house of Israel and I seal upon you all the keys
of the Kingdom of God on the Earth that was ever sealed upon
the head of any man & I seal these blessings upon you in
the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Heber C. Kimball then said to Jedediah M. Grant
Brother Jededeiah In the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands
upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon you all the
keys of the Holy Priesthood even to be a Prophet seer & Revelator
in the Church & kingdom of God & evry blessing which has
ever been sealed upon you & we seal upon you the gift of the
Holy Ghost, & we seal you up unto Eternal Life in the name of Jesus
Christ Amen * [see * on next page]
President Brigham Young then Baptized me & all the Presidency
laid hands upon me & J. M. Grant was mouth in confirming me
& said
Brother Wilford Woodruff in the name of Jesus Christ we lay our
hands upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon
your head all the gifts & blessings of the Apostleship & priesthood
& evry blessing which has ever been sealed upon you in any
Temple or place we seal & confirm upon you in the name of Jesus
Christ & we bless you for your infirmaties & ill health & pray
that you may be healed & have the gift of writing the truth as
a historian & we ask our Father in heaven to grant unto usyou
these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
President B. Young then baptized Bishop Edward Hunter
& confirmed him. He was mouth & said
Brother Edward Hunter we lay our hands upon your head in the name
of Jesus Christ & we confirm you to be a member in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & we seal upon you the gifts of
the Holy Ghost & the Priesthood & bishopprick & the keyes thereoff and
we seal upon your head all the gifts Blessings priesthood & power which
has been sealed upon you by the prophet Joseph or any of the servants
of God & we say that you shall have power to magnify your calling
as the chi[e]f bishop in the Church & Kingdom of God on Earth the
spirit & power of the Holy Ghost & revelation shall rest upon you
in power & we seal you up unto Eternal Life & we seal upon your
head evry blessing your heart can desire in the name of Jesus Christ
President Young then baptized the following persons Joseph Young
D. H. Wells A. Carrington L. W. Hardy J. C. Little & Gilbert Clements
& was mouth in confirming them all except D. H. Wells. H. C. Kimball
spoke upon his head, this made 10 persons which President Young Baptized
& confirmed.
* Heber C Kimball then baptized President Brigham Young & confirmed
him & said (J. M. Grant also laid on hands)
Brother Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & confirm
you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
& we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the keys powers
& blessings appertaining theretounto even to be a prophet seer &
revelator in the Church & kingdom of God & over the House of Israel
& we seal upon your head all the blessings all the blessing which were
sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we say unto you that you shall
have power over your Enemies & you shall not be slain by them but
you shall live to see them overthrown & to see the Saints come off
victorious over there enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the
name of Jesus Christ Amen
At the close of the dedication & baptism I attended meeting with
J. M. Grant & other Missionaries at the 17th ward JElder Wallace spoke
Johnson spoke to the people followed by J. M. Grant who spoke in the spirit
& power of God in calling upon the people to repent & reform He was
followed By Gilbert Clements & W. Woodruff who bore testimony
to what had ben said we had a soul stiring meeting
Judson Stodard had his horse runaway with him in his buggy & nearly killed him
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O Gogd the Eternal Father we bow down before Thee upon this Font which has been made by thy servants to baptize thy people in, for the purpose of dedicating it unto the Lord our God. we dedicate ourselves before Thee O Lord & we ask the in the name of Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins that we may have Thy Holy spirit to guide us in all things that we may be guided in the ways of the Lord & that we may never do wrong. Look upon us O God that have now bowed before thee around this Font & help us to do thy will in all things Acknowledge the[e] in all things and honor The[e] & worship Thee at all times, help us to Honor our Tabernacles that we may never disgrace ourselves in any thing. Grant unto us thy Holy spirit that it may quicken our understanding & bring to our understanding rememb- erance all things which are necessary for us in the discharge of our duties. We now dedicate this Font unto thee O God we consecrate it unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ. Let thine Angel O Lord touch this water & this Font with his Finger that it may be holy unto Thee Lord. May no unclean thing ever enter into this Font to pullute it We dedicate ourselves our wives Children & all that we have unto the[e] O Lord Our God, may we be thine forever & all that we have. Now O Lord except of this dedication at our hands and as we go into this water may our sins be forgiven & not be remembered against us any more. May we feel the power of God and have power to work a great Refermation among this people. and may this people triumph over our enemies & may not our enemies ever again have power over us but wilt thou cause thine indignation to burn against them that they shall not have any power to do thy people harm. Now O Lord look down upon thy servant Brigham & cloth him with thy power that he may know the workings of the power of the devel in the Earth & among this people and he have power to stregth [stretch] forth his hand unto thy people & do thy work. we now dedicate this Font to Baptize the Living & the Living for the dead & for evry purpose which is necessary to perform the work of the Lord our God, even that the generations which are dead & passed away may be saved & that the sins of the Living may be washed away & that the sick may be healed of evry infir- mety that we may be renewed in body & spirit in all thing except [accept] of this dedication at our hands O Lord & hear our praysers and we will give all the glory to God our Heavenly Father and we ask it in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Heber Chase In the name of Jesus Christ I lay my hands upon your head and I confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & I seal upon you the gift of the Holy Ghost & Eternal life and I ordain & seal upon your head to be a prophet, Seer & Revelator in the church & kingdom of God & over the house of Israel and I seal upon you all the keys of the Kingdom of God on the Earth that was ever sealed upon the head of any man & I seal these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Wilford Woodruff in the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands upon your head & we confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the gifts & blessings of the Apostleship & priesthood & evry blessing which has ever been sealed upon you in any Temple or place we seal & confirm upon you in the name of Jesus Christ & we bless you for your infirmaties & ill health & pray that you may be healed & have the gift of writing the truth as a historian & we ask our Father in heaven to grant unto you these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Brother Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the keys powers & blessings appertaining theretounto even to be a prophet seer & Revelator in the church & kingdom of God & over the House of Israel & we seal upon your head all the blessings all the blessing which were sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we say unto you that you shall have power over your Enemies & you shall not be slain by them but you shall live to see them overthrown & to see the saints come off victorious over there enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
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