Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1856

Journal Entry

December 18, 1856 ~ Thursday

18th [FIGURE] The Legislative Assembly met to day at 10 oclok at the
Music Hall according to the adjournment at Fillmore the two Houses
organized & we received the Governers Messengers & met in
Joint session then adjourned to their respective rooms then
adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok. The committees were appointed
bfore adjournment. I took a sleigh ride with S. M. Blair called
upon Brother Enion found sister Enion in bed was unwell went
to the office & spent the afternoon It was vary snowey day. I went
to the 15 ward waded through a good deal of snow I herd 5 speak then
I addressed the people for 30 minits I had the spirit of God


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3471 mentions
Apostle, Family
Blair, Seth Millington
13 Mar 1819 - 17 Mar 1875


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
The Legislative Assembly met on the 18th of Dec. in the Music Hall according to the adjournmet at Filmore. The two houses organized and we received the Governor's Message and met in joint sessions then adjourned to our respective rooms.
Political/Government - Utah Territory Legislature Shorthand Notes, 18 December 1856
The Legislative Assemby Met at the Secret Hall at 10 {o'clock} Governer Young was present {minutes read prayer by} H. C. Kimball {the [secretary] of the council a committee came in from the House to talk with the Council} H C. Kimball {appointed Wells and Snow assist committee. [President] then was sworn in by governor} B Young {[president] then was sworn in by governor} [sworn] {in} F D Richards {then the [secretary]} [sworn] {in and} Serget A A[rms] & Messenger H C Kimball {said} {I feel that I shall be governed by the Holy Ghost and that we will do the entire work then [illegible shorthand]} & {I am going to} {[illegible shorthand] [a/an] [illegible shorthand] [motion/man] his requests in a [illegible shorthand] to [illegible shorthand]} restd {[to/two] [illegible shorthand] to meet in joint session to hear the} {governor's message. And at 15 minute to 11 o'clock [a/the]} [illegible] {[to] and was then read to the assembly and governor's message} {it was motioned and carried that} 500 {[illegible shorthand] be [illegible shorthand] and [accepted] moved carried. Minutes of the joint session was read and} {accepted a motion was made to chose a printer} James M C Knight {was chosen printer} Governer Brigham Young {then rose [and arose] and said it was on [such]} [illegible] {as this for the governor} {to make his appearance opinion heard [that] I but I thought I would appear and show that brotherhood that any man who so be appointed} {. And I am willing to give such instructions here as necessary and I would say that I want this} [Legslatr] {to transact most your business by the Holy Ghost I mean what I say and ask no} od[d]s {of men [but/about] any [illegible shorthand]} {[or/any] [illegible shorthand]. I would encourage the people to do right. They do as the [illegible shorthand] [and every] government [not be doing/in all do]} {any thing in the name of God but if the people if the government knew that they could not get any [pressing/oppressing] [but]} {it came from God they might do different. If we ever} [executed] {by any [wondering] that is [fulfill] that [which/who] [in/not]} {[be/by] learned but trust in God and be not} [Hentey] {in trust in God and all will be well I know it is [a/an]} {novelty for a people to take this course most governments depend upon their religion to} dict[ate] {them} {but a republican} republican {government they depend upon their} politic[a]l work {but this should not be. The} {[illegible shorthand] that a people} [illegible] {may not do them any good but [we should/that who] do most things by the Spirit of God [is/his/as]} {[much/image]} Here {is we would if we was going out to preach and [illegible shorthand] and [by we don't] do this we should not do} {shorthand} {shorthand} watch {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} victorious {shorthand} {shorthand} yet {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} yeger {shorthand} {shorthand} relyn {shorthand} do {shorthand} {shorthand} aulgh {shorthand} full {shorthand} Branch {shorthand} {shorthand} can {shorthand} {shorthand} nah {shorthand} death & {shorthand} Hell {shorthand} {shorthand} sending {shorthand} Alma [Baptized]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Dec 18, 1856