I met with the Legislative Council in the forenoon President Young
was present the spirit of God was present. The 15 Chapter of
St John was read & commented upon it was then moved that both Houses
meet in Joint session. we then came together & speeches were made by
Lorenzo Snow W. Woodruff Brigham Young H. C. Kimball & Hosea Stout
among the remarks made By President Young He said when the first Twelve
were called He & Brother Kimball almost needed a stool in order to reach
high Enough to tie the shoes of John Boyonton Lyman Johnson & Wm
E MCLellin, but now they are gone & we remain Brother Woodruff &
Lorenzo Snows sayes that they never have felt the wait of their Apostleship
& responsibility as they do now this I have known all the time if Brother
Orson Hyde feels the wait of his responsibility as an Apostle to day I am glad
of it for it is the first day of his life that He ever did feel it, many other
remarks were made. It was finally moved that all members of
the Legislative Body of the Tertritory of Utah repent of their sins & go to
[the] font at 6 oclok ion the Temple Block & be baptized for the remission of their
sins which was carried unanimously & the Legislature met at the font
& had to fill it with Buckets from the creek & as the Presidency & Twelve
who had been here had been baptized F. D. Richards went into the font &
Baptized Elder Orson Hyde & some 17 others then James Cumings went into
the font & Baptized the rest also the missionaries 37 in number making
[blank] Baptized in all. we the Twelve laid hands upon Elder O Hyde & confirmed
him. W Woodruff was mouth then we confirmed the whole company. I was
mouth in confirming 9 persons & assisted in confirming 12 others
this was a New feature in Legislation we believed that if we could get
the spirit of God we could do business faster & better than with the spirit
of the Devel or the spirit of the world there was 55 in all Baptized
and confirmed the Twelve done most of the confirming
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