Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1857

Journal Entry

January 07, 1857 ~ Wednesday

7th I spent the day in the office I wrote 3 Letters to O pratt the Standard
& G. A. Smith. I met with the Missionaries at the Historians Office the
Twelve were present we herd the report of all the missionaries
& many spoke & we had a good meeting


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1443 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


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I spoke of the organ- ization of the Church & the Patriarchal order of the Church & the Blessings given us & exhorted the people to prize the blessings which God had put into their hands & not to treat lightly the Holy things of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to George Albert Smith, 7 January 1857
G S L City Dear Bro Geo. A Smith, On the 8th Dec the Legislative Assembly met in the State House Fillmore, organised & met in Joint Session, when a Resolution was passed changing the seat of Government of U. T. ^I adjorned to meet in the Social Hall G S L City on the 18th^ & early next morning the Members started for G S L City. On the 29th Dec. El. Orson Hyde arrived from Carson in good health & spirits: he has been elected Representative from this County in place of J. M Grant deceased Messrs C Little & E. K Hanks started from here with the Eastern Mail on the 10th Dec, & it is needless to say that these men will carry it through if there is the shadow of a possibility. Mr Kerr & co. have started with another this morning The last of our immigration (Hudgetts & Hunts Cos) arrived between the 11th & 15th Dec. having dug through snow 15 ft in places On the 18th The Legislative Assembly convened in the State Social Hall when the Govs message was read. Prest Young gave a supper & entertainment to the returned Missionaries ^& a few others^ at his new residence (the Lion House) on Christmas Evening A wrought iron anchor has been made at the Public works weighing 330 lbs. The iron from which it was made weighed in the tire 525 lbs. On Sunday Evg Jan 4 18567 Danl H Wells was ordained & set apart as 2nd Councilor to Prest B Young. This is the severest winter ever experienced in the Valleys & there is more snow on the ground than was ever known before on the night of the 34th snow fell in this city to the depth of
Letter to the Editor of the Standard, 7 January 1857
G. S. L. City Ed. of the Standard Dear Brother, The Western mail arrived on the evening of the 5th inst, bringing Nos 36, 37, 38 & 39 of the Standard. encountering much snow from Fillmore ^to this city.^ The Legislature met at Fillmore on the 8 Ulto, organized, & "passed a Resolution changing the seat of Government of U. T." On the 18th they commenced sitting in the Social hall in this city & are still in Session. Elder Orson Hyde ^& Co[mpan]y.^ arrived on the 9 ulto having left Carson valley on the 1st Nov. had rather a tedious time, lost their way in the ^being so much^ snow, ^on the way, they had to leave their wagons and pack^ On the 10th. Elders Ferramorz Little & Ephraim Hanks started out with the Eastern Mail, notwithstanding the unusual severity of the weather & the great depth of snow in the mountains. On the 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th. of Snow fell at intervals leaving about a foot of snow on an average in this valley, deeper North & in many other places ^15th. The Brethren have returned with the Balance of the families ^of the years emigration^ left at Bridger, report from 6 to 15 feet of snow in places in the mts.^ 25th. Prest Young entertained the returned missionaries of [18]56 with a Dinner ^Supper^ at this ^Lion^ house, the only ^public^ party we have heard of in the city this winter Jan 1 [18]57 Being ^the first^ Thursday in the month, was our monthly fast day and was charactereized by Fast meetings held throughout the Wards in the city, it snowed nearly all day, & in the morning very windy. on the evening of the 3rd & morning of the 4th 1012 or 1215 inches of new snow fell which is still laying on the ground. We have not had such a severe winter since our arrival here, altho' as yet we have not heard of that fatality amongst cattle naturally to be expected, but if the ^present^ snow continues long on the ground the ^many of the^ cattle must perish. ^The Eastern mail started out this morning, we have had but they will have 10 or 12 feet of snow to encounter in the mountains^ Daniel H. Wells was ordained ^& set apart^ on the 4 inst. as second counsellor to Prest. B Young. Elders Hyde Woo[dr]uff, Snow & Richards 4 of The Quorum of the Twelve are busily engaged in the work of Reformation in the city, and are one with the Presidency in rolling forth the
Letter to Orson Pratt, 7 January 1857
Great Salt Lake City Elder Orson Pratt Dear Sir I have ownly time to say a few words as the Mail closes soon, we are having the hardest winter we have ever known in the vallies at least the most snow the last company of Emigration arived about the 15 Dec had to pass through 15 feet of snow in places in the moutains, they were all brought in with Mule teams from the valley. The Calafor- nia Mail came oin on the 5th instant had great Difficulty in coming through from Filmore a great amount of snow at Filmore & this side we have more snow in this valley than we have ever known before ther was 15 inches of snow fall in the valley on the night of the 3rd inst, & it has snowed a good Deal of the time since winter set in. The Legislature anulled in Filmore on the D 8th Dec organized & removed the Seat of Government & next day were on their way for the city of the Great Salt Lake the[y] again convened in the Social Hall in this city on the 18th Dec we have had a good time thus far During the session Elder O Hyde ar[rive]d from Carson Vally on the 9th Dec & was Electe[d] a member of the House in the place [of] J. M. Grant Deceased. We got no Eastern mail yet. Feremore Little & Ephram Hanks started out with the Mail the first of Dec & Mr CKern & others started with the eastern Mail this morning but they will have mountains of snow to go through. D H Wells was ordained in on the 4th insts to fill the place of J M Grant as the second councller to president Young. we have Now in this City O. Hyde W. Woodruff L Snow & F. D. Richards of the Twelve, & we are busily engaged ^almost^ every evenging in the week holding meetings with the several quorums Missionaries, & people, upon the subject of the refermation I have never seen this people feel the importance of living their religion & obtaning the Holy Ghost & the power of the priesthood & their calling


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Members of Territorial Legislature rebaptized (Wilford for the fifth time).
Church membership is 55,236.

Jan 7, 1857