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Day in the Life

May 29, 1857

Journal Entry

May 29, 1857 ~ Friday

29th [FIGURES] The Eastern Arived in this city 10 minutes past 4 oclk
Bringin G. A. Smith J M Bernhisel & T O Angel
& 4 waggons of Mail it Brought me 8 Letters from
2 Wm R Prince &c 1 Ozem Woodruff 1 E. T. Benson
1 J. L. Smith to G A Smith 2 from Thompson Woodruff


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Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
366 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1380 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
40 mentions
Bernhisel, John Milton
23 Jun 1799 - 28 Sep 1881
313 mentions
Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
200 mentions
41 mentions
18 mentions


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My daughter Phebe had a vary severe attack of inflamation on the Lungs or sumthing like plurisy she could not Breath ownly with great Difficulty we holstered her up in the bed & she would Retch for breath like a person strangling she was so for several hours we annointed her, laid hands upon her, & rebuked the desease I finally got Joseph Smiths silk Hankerchief which He gave me in 1839 and said it should ever remain as a League between us as long as I would keep it I laid it upon her stomach. Brother Dunyon came in to see her in the evening she became some better & slept some.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 3
On the the Eastern Mail arrived bringing George A Smith J. M. Bernhisel ^and Truman O Angel^ On Sunday in the Prayer Circle letters were ^read^ touching Utah affairs in the States. We found that all hell was boiling over against us. Among the rest Wm Smith called upon the Government to furnish him with an army and money and he would come to Utah and subdue the Mormons In conversation in the Historian's Office on the 2nd of June between President Young George A Smith Joseph Young and myself the President said There is no law in heaven or earth that would compel a woman to stay with a man either in time or eternity. This I think is true but I do not know. If a man who is a High Priest takes a woman and she leaves him and goes to one of a lower office say the lesser Priesthood or members, I think in the resurrection that that High Priest can claim her Joseph Young: What if she should not want to go with him? I should not want a woman under those circumstances Brigham: I will tell you what you will find that all these evil traditions and affections or passions that haunt the mind in this life will all be done away in the resurrection. You will find then that any man who gets a glory and exaltation will be so beautiful that any woman would be willing to have him if it was right and whenever it is right for the woman to go there she will be willing to go for all those evils will vanish to which we are subject in this life. I have told the truth just as it is but others will at times will get up and tell the people that they will have no heaven only what they make in this life and that it will be in the next world as it will be this. Now they do not mean what they say. They do not explain themselves and hence the people do not understand Joseph Young said, "I wish I knew what my limits are" and the President replied "Your limits are endless and you have not go half way to the end of it yet. Now when I was an Elder I was as


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May 29, 1857