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Day in the Life

Aug 2, 1857

Journal Entry

August 02, 1857 ~ Sunday

2nd sunday I attended meeting all day Elias Smith H C Kimball
& B Young spoke in the fore noon in great plainness the
spirit & power of God was upon them the reporters took
a report of their sermons, so I do not make any minutes
of them. G A Smith spoke in the Afternoon gave an account
of his experience from the begining told of being sealed up
to Eternal Damnation 9 times by a prysbeterian priest
when he was a boy because he would not go to an
anxious seat gave a rehersal of the smith family
blesed his friends & cursed his Enemies &c I attended
the prayer Circle many remarks were made upon the subject
of sending the US troops to this Territory President Young said
that our enemies will perish in their own corruptions. I think it
will be well to send some missionaries through the states and tell
the brethren to pick up their budgets & come to the valley and
go to England let the brethren do this that go with the Mail
The US are fools to come upon this people & so are those men
who are bringing great quantities of Goods unto us this season
if the United States send out troops to fight us this season we
shall whip them out then they will send out reinforcements
then we shall have the Lamanites with us & the more the United
states send out the wors off they will be for they will perish
with Famine. I do not think any thing about guns or powder for
if the United States begin war with us I intend they shall furnish


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Elias
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
182 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1380 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1402 mentions


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Aug 2, 1857