Day in the Life

Aug 16, 1857

Journal Entry

August 16, 1857 ~ Sunday

16th A crown Keys crossed Sunday This was one of the most important days
that the Church & kingdom of God has seen in this
dispensation the People met at the Tabernacle several of the returned
Missionaries spoke in the morning Bishop Cunningham & Henry W Miller
they were followed By President Brigham Young who
said when he arose that He desired to speak as the Lord himself
would was he present. He then began clothed with the spirit &
power of God & the revelations of Jesus Christ He recounted
our persecutions & oppressions for the last 25 years & then took
up the unjust course of the United States against us at the present
time then He told us & all the world what the will of God was
& what his intentions were He would no longer submit to their
Ungodly persecutions If General Harney came here with an
armey to destroy this people we would destroy him & his armey
they should not come into this territory or our cityies to destroy
this people the United States had turned mob & were breaking
the Constitution of the United States & we would now have
to go forth & defend it & also the kingdom of God, & should
they undertake to send an army of 50000, or 100,000 men next
year we will lay waste this whole Territory & flee into the mounta[ins]

I will lay all my dwellings in Ashes. I will lay all my mills in ashes
I will cut down evry green tree & shrub in the vallies of these mountains
I will burn evry peace of timber wood & board in the vallies of the
mountains then do you not think that our canyons will be adap[t]ed
for the bones of our Enemies I think it will. O Israel can you
stand these things. The shout of Yes rent the air of the assembled
thousands. All you who are willing to follow me in these things
raise your hands towards heavens there was a sea of hands up
I have had to hold the Indians here for years from destroying
the emigrants I have had to give them many thousands of dollars
to keep them from killing the Gentile emigration to Calafornia
the United States Government now ows me $50000 in my
Official capacity & they will not pay me a dime but are sending
armies at great Expens to destroy me & this people. But I will
now inform them & all people that if they make war upon me
I shall not attempt to restrain them any more but I shall let
them do as they please. The United States do not know what
they are doing, & the Merchants in this place do not know who
they are they are selling the blood of this people for Gold. they
were not going to bring any goods to this place but now that
an army of 2500 men are coming here to destroy this people
they can bring a great amount of Goods let them take
Heed to their ways. If the United States sends an Armey &
a train of goods here I may get a part of the pay which they
owe me I now wish to say to all Gentiles send word to your friends
that they must stop crossing this continent to Calafornia
for the indians will kill them for the Emigrants have shot down
the indians without any cause or provocation & if the United States
make war upon me I shall not attemp to restrain them any
longer I will give all people in this Territory that wish the
privilege to leave I want all to leave that are not willing to
follow me. If there is any of my family my wives that wish
to leave I will send my teams & carry them whareever they wish
to go if it is to Hell I will drive to the gate but will not let my
teams go into hell but they must turn around & come back
but those that wish can enter in. I want this people to go to
& save all their grain & prepare to cash it up in the mountains
but dont let your Neighbor know whare you put it. I want
you to prepare for a 7 ye[a]rs siege. many other remarks were
made all taken by the reporters the spirit of God rested upon us
him & upon the congregation and all the saints felt to say amen
to all President Young said.

I attended the prayer meeting at
the presidents House various remarks were made by Brother Kimball
& Wells.

I attended the ward meeting in the evening & spoke
to the people I bore testimony to what President Young said during
the day I told the people to be passive in the hands of the Lord & be
ready to carry out the council of the Presidency in all things
Brother Stewart returned from the States to day & reported about the Emigration


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3447 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Miller, Henry William
1 May 1807 - 9 Oct 1885
Stewart, Levi
abt. 1812-1879


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
was one of the most important days that the Church and Kingdom of God had seen in this dispensation. The people met at the Tabernacle. Several of the returned missionaries spoke in the morning and they were followed by President Brigham Young Synopsis of An Address By President Brigham Young Delivered August th 16th When he arose he said he desired to speak as the Lord himself would were he present. He then began clothed with the Spirit and power of God and the revelations of Jesus Christ. He recounted our persecutions and oppressions for the last 25 years and then took up the unjust course of the United States against us at the present time. Then he told us and all the world what the will of God was and what his intentions were. He would no longer submit to their ungoldly persecutions If General Harney came here with an army to destroy this people we would destroy him and his army. They should not come into this Territory nor into our cities to destroy this people. The United States had turned mob and were breaking the Constitution of the United States and we would now have to go forth and defend it and also the Kingdom of God and should they undertake to send an army of 50,000 or 100,000 next year we will lay waste this whole Territory and flee into the mountains. I will lay all my dwellings in ashes all my mills in ashes. I will cut down every green ^tree^ and shrub in the Valleys


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Aug 16, 1857