Day in the Life

Oct 16, 1857

Journal Entry

October 16, 1857 ~ Friday

Oct 16th

I am vary poorly this morning yet I went to the office of
President Young. An express had Just arived Bringing a long
Letter to Govornor Young from Col Allexander concerning the
present state of affairs also a letter from General Wells. the Breth-
ren had taken a heard of cattle of some 700 head & were bringing
them in. It was reported in the Army that Col Johnson would
soon be up with 700 cavelry but this is uncertain. Col Allexander
letter was rather savey threatened us with Extermination if we
opposed him He considered himself able to come in & carry out
the commands of Government Governor Young sent him a
strong answer asking him why he staid in camp on hams Fork
for a month if he considered he had force enough to carry out his orders
He gave him to understand that it was now the kingdom of God & the
kingdom of the Devil & we trusted in God for success & should go ahead
A single key with teeth to the left In turning from this subject to little children President Young
said when some people have little children born at 6 & 7 months from
pregnancy & they live a few hours then die they bless them name
them & c but I dont do it for I think that such a spirit has
not a fair chance for I think that such a spirit will have a chance
of occupiying another Tabernacle and develop itself this is new doctrin
yet it looks consistant what period of Demarkation or age the
spirit would take another Body we were not informed A single key with teeth to the left

A hand pointing to the right I received a letter from G. A. Smith & sent one to him


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1436 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
An express arrived this morning bringing a letter from Col Alexander to Governor Young concerning the present state of affairs also a letter from General Wells. The brethren had taken a herd of cattle of 700 head and were bringing them in. It was reported in the army that Col. Johnson would soon be up with 700 cavalry but this was uncertain Col Alexander's letter was rather severe and threatened us with extermination if we opposed. He considered himself able to come in and carry out the commands of the Government. Governor Young sent him a strong answer asking him why he stayed in camp on Hams Fork for a month if he considered he had force enough to carry out his orders. He gave him to understand that it was now the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil and we trusted in God for success and should go ahead In turning from this subject to little children President Young said when some people have little children born at 6 or seven months from pregnancy and they live a few hours and then die they bless them name them &c but I dont do it for I think that such a spirit will have a chance of occupying another Tabernacle and develop^ing^ itself. This is new doctrine, yet it looks consistant. What period of demarcation or age the spirit would take another body we were not informed.


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Oct 16, 1857