Day in the Life

Sep 5, 1857

Journal Entry

September 05, 1857 ~ Saturday

5th We had an Express arived this Morning stateing that Gen ^Col^
Johnson was at Ash Hollow with some 2000 men traveling
some 15 miles per day. Col Sumner had burned some 300 shians [Cheyennes]
lodges killed some few Indians & 2 soldiers killed & 7 wounded
& 60 men with Capt Jones & the wounded to Fort Kerney the
Chians overtook them & cut them to peices so bad that no trace of
them could be found our Emigration was getting along vary well
the Lord is hearing our prayers & hedging up the way of our enemies
Gen Harney was retained as the Military Govornor of kansas


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Jones, Dan
4 Aug 1810 - 3 Jan 1862
2 mentions
Historical Figure


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Letter to Brother Jackson, 5 September 1857
Brother Jackson, I have to acknowledge receipt of your Letter of [blank] together with a Packet of Fruit Buds, &c. for which we feel much obliged & thank you for the interest you manifest on our behalf—The Grafts of Roses were mostly dead—the Peaches were dead but the Plums and Pears were in good order & we have the various kinds growing here except the Duchesse d'Angouleme. We think will forward you a List of such kinds of Fruit as we would like to obtain, by this or the next Mail and shall be obliged by your rendering such assistance in forwarding same as you may be able. Our experience shews us that grafts forwarded in the Winter or Spring as they can be cut will be preferable. We have received a great variety of choice fruit from the Eastern States this season so that we have now about a hundred varieties of Apples, Pears, Plums & Cherries. We shall be glad to receive any choice varieties of Roses, Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries & Gooseberries, as to currants we have some superior ^native^ varieties—If you can get a choice running rose we are without such a thing & shall be glad to have it. The Moss Rose which you have twice sent out has been dead each time.
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
We had an express arrive on the morning of the stating that Col. Johnson was at Ash Hollow with some 2000 men travelling some 15 miles per day. Col. Sumner had burned some 300 Cheians lodges and killed some few Indians and 2 soldiers were killed and 7 wounded. Sixty men with Captain Jones and the wounded were sent to Fort Kerney and the Chians overtook them and cut them to pieces so bad that no trace of them could be found. Our emigration was getting along pretty well so that the Lord was hearing our prayers and hedging up the way of our enemies. General Harney was retained as the military Governor of Kansas Thomas B. Marsh Presented to the Congregation


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Sep 5, 1857