28th President Heber C Kimball called upon us at the Historians
Office at 11 oclok & read His History till 12 oclock then Presidents
Young & Wells A Lyman & L Snow came in & all conv[ers]ed
upon the war till 2 oclok we had an express in from Box
Elder with a report that soulders [soldiers] were at Fort Hall also one
from the East saying that the Enemy had not moved for
several days but were waiting for Col Johnson to come up
with 4 companies of cavalry & 2 companies of infantry
this is report. It was decided in council that General Wells
John Taylor & Charles C Rich return to the seat of war &
take charge of the command. The following is a synopsis of
the conversation President Young said if any officer comes
to the Armey the Govornor or Judges & send word that they
want to come in Just inform them that they are as near
as they can come Had they have come without a military
aray they could have come & not been molested but
now they cannot come we will not have any cursed
scoundrel forced upon us Jto Judge or rule over us and
they shall not come among us. If Johnson comes
with troops & intends to come in I expect they will
leave their baggage Battery & a company to guard it and
come in on a forced march without it. Then we must
not let them sleep but use them up as soon as we can work
night and day & not let them sleep. Brother Wells thinks they
are determined to try to come in. I have sent word that if
General Harney is on the way to get into camp & kill him if
Possible and take the Animals from Johnson if Possible &
take charge of the goods train. President Young said I am
glad of one thing ie this thing will be Just as the Lord wants
it. If He wants them to come & get killed it will be so if He
Oct 28
wants tohem to go north south or east He will have it Just as He
wants and this I am thankful for and I feel perfectly
easy about it all. You will find when the Lord sees that
we are willing to fight & get Just ready to shoot that He will
fight our battles. He said G. A. Smith may stop in the city
this time let C C Rich go He is a good General & a wise man
in calculation I recon a good deal upon him in the future
Mrs Mogo was sent to the camp & Jones their waggon
Master to day they have also sent back the waggon Master
which they took prisioner they are sending in several
Teamsters, deserters, & one prisioner I spent the evening in
the Office
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You will find when the Lord sees that we are willing to fight & get Just ready to shoot that He will fight our battles.
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