President Brigham Young called into the Historians office
20 minuts to 10 oclok and set and heard heard his history read up
to the reorganization of the Church on the 8th of Aug 1844
we spent the day in the office and in the evening we called upon
President Brigham Young at his Office, to make some enquiries
upon certain teachings of Joseph concerning the Endowments
Elder G. A. Smith said that Joseph taught that but one King & Priest could
be anointed at one meeting in a private Room Dedicated by permission
to Anointed in but one person could be anointed in a day but in the Temple several could be anointed in a day
But ^at^ each anointing the meeting was dismissed and them came together
President Young said Joseph taught him to take the Quorums of the Church in their
order begining at the Oldest of Each Quorums & Anoint them Kings & Priest u^n^to God
When I got through with that begin at the begining again to administer
for the dead. When the Temple is finished & a place duly prepared we should
not be confined to any particular Number in sealing and Anointing.
the rooms next to the East pulpit or over it will be the
place to attend to the 2nd Anointings. Under the pulpit in the west End will be a place to
Offer sacrafizes there will be an Altar prepared for that
purpose. So, that when any sacrafices are to be offered they
should be offered there
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We spent the day in the office and in the evening we called upon President Brigham Young at his office. to make some enquiries upon certain teachings of Joseph concerning the Endowments Elder G. A. Smith said that Joseph taught that but one King & Priest could be anointed at one meeting in a private Room Dedicated by permission to Anointed in but one person could be anointed in a day but in the Temple several could be anointed in a day But ^at^ each anointing the meeting was dismissed and them came together President Young said Joseph taught him to take the Quorums of the Church in their order begining at the Oldest of Each Quorums & Anoint them Kings & Priest u^n^to God When I got through with that begin at the begining again to administer for the dead. When the Temple is finished & a place duly prepared we should not be confined to any particular Number in sealing and Anointing. the rooms next to the East pulpit or over it will be the place to attend to the 2nd Anointings. Under the pulpit in the west End will be a place to offer Sacrafizes there will be an Altar prepared for that purposes so that when any sacrafices are to be offered they should be offered there [FIGURES]
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