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Day in the Life

Oct 3, 1858

Journal Entry

October 03, 1858 ~ Sunday

3rd Sunday At 10 oclok I met with my Corum ^at^ thie Endow-
ment room
. Bishop Hunter Prayed Wm Kimball was mouth
I spent a part of the day at the Presidents office President
Young is quite sick also Brother Kimball He was taken
Quite sick & was administered to by Brother Young who
was siezed with the same I attended the prayer circle
with the Twelve their being present O. Pratt W. Woodruff
G. A. Smith C. C. Rich F. D. Richards & E Snow W. Woodruff
Prayed. G. A. Smith was mouth in the circle. I spent the
evening in the Fair


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
346 mentions
270 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
640 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
784 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1380 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
43 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Oct 3, 1858