13th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Gilbert Clements
Preached upon the first principles of the gospel was followed by
Elder O Hyde with a strong exertation He objected to any
person selling whiskey & then coming into this desk to preach
which Brother Clements had done yet he did not call him
by name. I met my Quorum my son Wilford Prayed
& I was mouth in the circle. The first Patriarch of the
Church Joseph Smith sen blessed me & my wife Phebe he
said I should have sons who should bear the Holy Priesthood
& be great men in the Earth & be honorable men in Zion
while he [Wilford] was praying I thought of my Blessing. I spent
an hour with President Young in the afternoon. He spoke upon
the subject of the Book published by Mother Smith called Joseph
Smith the Prophet He said he wished us to take up that work
& revise it & correct it that it belonged to the Historians to
attend to it that there was many fals statements made in
it and he wished them to be left out and all other statements
which we did not know to be true, and give the reason why they
are left out. G. A. Smith & Elias smith should be present
That Book makes out William Smith according to WiMother
Smith's statement to be full of the Holy Ghost & the power
of God while at the same time I herd him say in the
presence of Heber C. Kimball while Joseph Smith was a
prisioner in the hands of his enemies and I said that God
would deliver him, William Smith said Dam him Joseph
Smith ought to have been hung up by the neck years ago
and Dam him he will get it now any how.
President Brigham Young said Wm Smith is the most
wicked man I ever saw in my life He has been filled
with all manner of wickedness. When I was in Nauvoo
I commenced to build me a carriage William got up a rumor
that I was Finishing a carriage for my own use which
Joseph had commenced for his mother then Mother Smith
soon reported that I was building her a carriage and
the first time she got me in company she asked me
for that carriage I did not care much about the carriage
but I was sorry to have her take that course. W Woodruff
remarked that Mother Smith was under the influence of Wm
Smith and the spirit of Aposticy which was in Nauvoo President
Young said yes I do not think the Lord would impute Evil to her
and I shall meet with her in Eternity and I am sure I shall
not bring an Accusation against her. Elder O Pratt published
that work & bought it of A. W. Babbitt at a high Price when
we had a copy of it in our office, it is marvellous that He
should have published it without my council. Many other
remarks were made by President Young (see private Journal)
I met with the Twelve in the prayer circle I opened by prayer
G. A Smith was mouth we conversed upon a varyiety of
subjects we agreed to meet as a Quorum a week from
tomorrow for prayer and fasting Letters were written to
John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow to meet with us
during the evening Bishop Heywood & Richard Balantine came
before the Twelve and made a report of their doings at Salt
Creek they had got into a difficulty with the Bishop & people
sumthing in the following manner they claimed to be acting as
Missionaries sent by Brother Kimball or Brother Hyde in preaching
in that place Brother Balantyne did not think He was received
as a missionary should be and He told the people the history of
that place showed that they had been in the habit of rejecting
the servants of God this gave offence to the Bishop & people in
connexion with other things, and he would not make satisf-
action and teachers was sent to laboured with them Brother
Balantine called upon the Bishop Bigler & he considered that
he was grossly insulted and he told Br Balantyne to leave
his house or he would break his Jow [Jaw]. Brother Bigler had
written a letter upon the subject said that Balantyne had
taught that Haywood was the President of the place & that Balantyne
had privately thaught the people that Brigham Young would be
massacreed bey the armey &c. The Twelve decided after Hearing
the case that they would dismiss Elders Heywood & FBalantyne
from any further missionariesy duties at Present & G. A. Smith
wrote to Bishop Bigler saying that the Twelve thought that He
would have a more salutary influence with kind words
and looks instead of a blow with the fist or a kick &c
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