Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1859

Journal Entry

March 07, 1859 ~ Monday
A hand pointing to the right

7th I called at the office in the morning In looking over
my Papers, I Found the following which I had ^not^ reported
April 15th ^1858^ Sunday President B Young said If the U S Troops
make a war of extermination against this People
they will have all the Indians on this continent to Fight
For they are of Israel and the course which the army are
now taking towards them will have a tendency to cause
the Indians to make war upon them. If Gov Cummings
comes into the city I do not want any man to go and
see him without a permit. If I am not esspecially requi-
red to go & see him He will stop a long time before I shall
go to see him President Young said this war will dry up afor

the present I think but should it not be so, should I have to
burn up my Buildings and if we are driven to lay waste our
cities & fields, I will tell you that we should not build build
much more here but it will be a great war and we shall
live in tents & shanties till we go back to Jackson County ^Mo.^
The Catholicks are laying deep plans to overthrow the Protestant
Nations who are watching us but the Catholics say but little
about us.)

I spent the day on the history. I spent the
evening at President Young with the regency upon the
Deseret Alphabet


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Mar 7, 1859