6th Sunday G. A. Smith H. Stout S. M. Blair John Kay & J. V. Long
started for Provo at 8 'oclock A.M. President B Young
Fitted out a team of 4 mules to take them down to attend the
court I Attended a meeting at the Tabernacle Wm G Mills
Preached, was followed by Presidet D. H. Wells & Elder John Taylor
all of which bore a strong testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ
and of the work of God in the last days. My Quorum met at
2 oclok for Prayer E. F. Sheets Prayed & J Pugmire Jr was Mouth
Brother Wm Worstenholm was Prayed for as he was about
to be cut open by Dr France to take a stone out of his Bladder.
Brother Worstenholm wished some of the Twelve to be
present at this trying operation I went in company with
C. C. Rich, Dr France, Dr Anderson, Dr Levi Richards W.
Y Appleby A. H. Ralleeigh, E. R Young S. B. Rose Wm
Moss, & Wm Durr to the House of Wm Worstenholm in
in the [blank] ward within about half a mile of Jordon Bridge
I am informed By Brother Levi Jacksonman that his name
is Wiolstenholme Wm Wolstenholm. we arived at his
house at half past 3 oclock he met us vary cheerfully and
made evry preperation for the operation. we could not get
any clohloroform so the surgeons concluded to use Ether
they got 3 ounces at Godbys and he was about one hour in
breathing it but it did not put him to sleep they then
sent & got 5 ounces more & used that all up and it ownly
made him crazy they used 8 oz. of Ether & was 2
hours about it & it did not put him to sleep this was
the Effect of Adulterated medicines if it had been good
a quarter of the Quantity would have answered. we had
to leave him without operating upon him untill we could
get some chloroform I returned home Attended the prayer
circle with the Twelve, there being present O. Pratt W Woodruff
J. Taylor & C. C. Rich O Pratt Prayed W Woodruff was
mouth. We then all called upon Preside[n]t Young spe[n]t
an hour with him.
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