12. We are having a vary hard snow storm to day occasionally
the sun will come out & shine a few moments warm then it will
set in & snow enough to darken the air. I saw Lysander Gee he said
he had been arested by Marshall Dodson for steeling horses was
taken to Camp Floyd and turned loose, he stoped till yesterday
when Judge Cradlebaugh & Marshall Dodson came to this city
& Gee came with them and they did not object to his going whare
he pleased. Cradlebaugh told Gee that He was going to Calafornia
in few days & was going to locate thare. Thus with every exertion
which has been made by the Gentile Judges, Army, Merchants,
Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the morm-
ons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded
of[f] the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and
to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as
the righteous.
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Thus with every exertion which has been made by the gentile Judges, Army, Merchants, Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the morm- ons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded of[f] the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as the righteous.
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