Day in the Life

May 17, 1859

Journal Entry

May 17, 1859 ~ Tuesday

17th I took Delight & Willford & went to Fort Harriman
we gathered up twenty of of our cattle & cows & branded them
three we did not get, but they were on the range. out of 23 Head
I did not loose one, although it was a Hard winter. I spent
the night at Brother Stockings. distance 25 miles


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Stocking, John Jay
24 Apr 1806 - 23 Oct 1870
21 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
171 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions


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May 17, 1859