2nd Sunday I met with my Quorum this morning A Hinkley
Prayed. H Stout was mouth. At 12 oclok [P]M. I went to the
House of Brother MCIntyre with Dr's France & Anderson & Rich-
ardson & [illegible] Blair Ferguson & others we administered
to Edward Henry Moss who was in an awful state with an
osteo-aneurismal tumor of the thigh. The surgeons amputated
his leg at the hip Joint the operations was performed in 6 minuts
and the leg lay on the floor at the foot of the surgeon & in a few
minutes more the arteries were taken up wound dressed & the
patient put to bed. The case was one of great interest esspeicially
to the surgeons. The tumor extended from the Hip Joint to within
a short distance of the knee and measured to within twenty four
inches in circumferance which was an extention of the Bone
The patient was comfortable after the operation he had suffered
with it for many years
I met with my Quorum in the evening. W Woodruff sen prayed
John Taylor was mouth the evening was spent in conversation
concerning our duties.
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