23rd I spent the day in the office. General ^Samuel^ Stambaugh
visited us for an hour. We had a plesant visited with
him he manifested a good spirit. He complained of the post
Master in this town for not getting his paper. He wished
us to give him all information we could upon the imp
rovement & facilities of this Territory
He said he would not use it for our disadvantage. He said he had often
passed through Nauvoo it was a beautiful situation and He would
not give Hancock County for this whole Territory. He spoke of the
cole mine in ColeEcko Canyon. He said if he owned one half of that
mine he would sell it less than one year for $100000. He said the
soldiers ought to be imployed in making the roads through these
canyon. He spoke upon many other subjects
During the evening President Young spoke upon the subject of
fencing. A Carrington advocated the principle of doing away
with fencing entirely. President Young thought it would not do
entirely at presidentent. He also said he thought we had better extend
our settlements Northward. I met with the Board of the
D. A. M. Society. Bishop Wm Crosby mad a report of the
southern cotton growing country. He made the most favorable
report of Washington Co & the Rio vergin and Santa Clara region
that we have ever herd from that region He represented that country
as being good for cotton, sugar cane, wheat, fruit, dy stuffs &
grazing country and all kinds of grain. George Day & Prime
Coleman made Four tons of cheese the past season with their
own hands
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President Young said a Letter was received by Musser by the last Mail from Brother Gibson who was on his mission to England saying while travelling on a rail road they had a collission with another train and mashed up the Engine and care that he was in & yet not a soul was hurt as they walked out of the ruins one man said there must be some man of God on that care by which they were saved Brother Gibson remarked it was in fulfillment of prophecy for Brigham Young said when He Blessed me that I should go in safety by rail road & steamboat and this is in fulfillment of his Blessing.
President Young said there was an exertion made to separate the union without war but it cannot be done the union cannot hold together but a few years it must soon part. The southern people have more fears of there own servants than any body els. Many other remarks were made
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