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Day in the Life

May 20, 1860

Journal Entry

May 20, 1860 ~ Sunday

20 Sunday I was quite unwell & spent the day at home mostly I
met with my Quorum in the morning the Eastern Mail came in
which brought us a number of Papers. My Daughters Susan Cornelia
[FIGURE] (who married Robert Scholes) was taken in labor at 2 oclok PM
& continued in severe labor till 3 oclock when she had a Daughter
born 20 minutes to 3 oclock Monday morning May 21, 1860


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Scholes, Eugenia Amelia Cody
21 May 1860 - 16 Sep 1955
60 mentions
Scholes, Robert
19 Nov 1835 - 14 Jul 1891
94 mentions
Scholes, Susan Cornelia Woodruff
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
357 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

May 20, 1860