Day in the Life

Aug 26, 1860

Journal Entry

August 26, 1860 ~ Sunday

26th Sunday I spent the forenoon in the office President Young preached in
the morning followed by Erastus Snow President Young followed him He followed
spoke upon the vision & the different glories in the afternoon I spoke to the
people upon the subject of our Blessings & the dealings of God with us &
our duty to our children. I was followed by President Kimball. I met with
the Presidentcy & Twelve at the Historians office. There was ^the^ presidtency
& O Pratt W Woodruff J. Taylor G. A. Smith Erastus Snow, & F. D. Richards
of the Twelve present. when we proceded to ordain George Quayle Cannon
Keys crossed unto the Apostleship and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve
President Brighham Young was mouth which makes
thirteen Apostles of the Twelve which President Brigham Young
has ordained. Brother Cannons ordination & Blessing was reported
by G. D. Watt. We repaired to the upper room for Prayer when President
Young called for the names for missions abroad. when 16 names was
presented & Excepted, among those names were Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow
& George Q. Cannon of the Twelve, & Richard Bentley & John L Smith
from the office. Gilbert Clements was presented & President Young said
cross his name of the List when he goes to England let him go as an apost-
ate he will not have my consent to go as a missionary. Brother Edington
name was presented President Young said I do not know what good he
could do on a mission unless he had more wisdom in preaching than he has
in business matters he would not do much good he is a nice man & would
do well in fitting up a room for a party or a show but he would not
be worth a groat on a mission If Ever G Clements has a mission
I want him to Feel like Brother Mills a year ago he would have thought
it a great calamity to have been sent on a mission now he wants to
go. Brother Kimball asked how it would do to send Dr Anderson
on a mission President Young asked what for, he is a vary nice plesant
man but he is thorough Infidel in his faith he had a talk with me
upon the subject and honestly acknowledged that he had no faith in
spiritual things "I want nothing said out of the council about this. He
likes to live with this people & thinks we have the best organization in the world

President Young brought a figure upon this subject He said if a man
who had been alway acquainted with the tropical fruit was to meet
with an Indian who had never seen or heard of the fruit the
white man would say to the Indian do you not hanker for pine
apple, organges & Banannas the Indian say no I never saw any
I do not know what they are it is so with Dr Anderson & other
men they have never tasted of the fruits of the spirit & power of
& do not know what it is and hence they have no faith in it
O Pratt Prayed & D. H. Wells was mouth

I conversed with Erastus Snow F. D. Richards & G Q Cannon about giving
us their History for the Church History


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
699 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1438 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2272 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions
Smith, John Lyman
17 Nov 1828 - 21 Feb 1898
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1961 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1085 mentions
Bentley, Richard
1 Oct 1820 - 24 Mar 1906
Anderson, Washington Franklin
6 Jan 1823 - 21 Apr 1903


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Discourse 1860-08-26
Sunday Afternoon, . REPORTED BY JOHN V. LONG. Brethren and sisters, we are blest above all other people upon the face of the earth, not only temporally but spiritually. I consider any people blest of the Lord to whom he has revealed the gospel of Jesus Christ, to whom he has given the holy priesthood and authori- ty to administer in the ordinances of his house. That people are greatly blest, far above their fellow men who do not enjoy this privilege. I consider this to be our position to-day; we have the privilege of walking in the light, we have the privilege of comprehending and knowing the tru[t]h, of knowing the way to be saved and exalted in the presence of our Fa- ther and God. We are in a position to know his mind and will, through his servants the the prophets. The Lord has given unto us teachers and inspired men, men who are in- spired by the spirit and power of God; clothed them with truth and endowed them with wis- dom to teach us at all times the path we should walk in. This is a great blessing whether we realize it or not. The Lord looks down upon our work and considers our ignorance, and so do those holy beings who surround his throne, but yet we know enough to do our duty, magnify our calling and fulfill the object of our crea- tion. And any man or community who have the gospel of Christ, the holy priest- hood and the power of the Holy Ghost that we have, possess a great advantage over the world, for they do not comprehend, they do not see nor understand the things that await them. They do not understand the dealings of God with them in any respect. It is not so with the Latter Day Saints, for as long as they continue to receive the truth their minds are opened to understand the character of the day and age in which we live, and all those trying scenes that are approaching us; the veil is taken from off the face of the earth, and we see things, to some extent, as they are. We have received the gift of the Holy Chost by the laying on of hands, and the veil of darkness, of doubt and fear is takon from our minds, and we can see clearly where to go and what to do, and we feel that our spirit is right, that we are acceptable before the Lord our God, and are the subjects of his blessings. When sitting here and listening to the words of the servants of God I reflect day by day on the things of God that are revealed to us, and I am inevitably led to the conclusion that there is no people upon the face of the earth enjoying such great blessings as the Almighty has bestowed upon us. The heavens are full of blessings, and the Lord is willing to bestow them upon us. The hearts of the servants of God are full of blessings, comfort and edifying words for the saints. Then it is certainly our duty to make a right use of the knowledge we have received and to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things. We should try to gain wisdom, knowledge and understand- ing, and from the experience we are hav- ing while in this great school. This would stimulate us to action, and inasmuch as we do this, and walk in the light of truth we shall be satisfied, and continue to do as we have been taught. By pursuing this course in our connection with the work of God we are en- abled to drink of that well of water that springs up into everlasting life. I do not believe that any man in the world who has power, wealth, influence and a good understanding of things is satisfied with the present confused state of the world, either religiously or politically, neither do I believe that a man who does not know God nor the principles of eternal life and salvation; a man, for instance, that has come to an understand- ing of the world, and that has received the benefits of civilization, as understood by the great mass of christendom; I do not, I say, believe that such a man is or can be satisfied. I can readily believe that the professors of re- ligion are not fully satisfied in their minds and feelings, unless they have partaken of that life which is made manifest by the gift and influence of the Holy Ghost. And we have an abundance of evidence to prove that the world are not satisfied with their condition, not even those that are seeking the pleasures of life, we frequently hear them complaining of the state of affairs at the present time. Man possesses a spirit that must endure forever, a spirit that comes from God, and in- asmuch as he is not fed from that same source or power that created him he is not and can- not be satisfied. I can say from my own ex- perience, that although I sought for the truth diligently I was never satisfied until I heard the fulness of the gospel proclaimed by the Lord's chosen servants. I had no inspired man to say "this is the way, walk ye in it." It is true that I could read the Bible, I could pray and to some extent know what was right and proper for me to do, at least so far as moral religion was concerned. I enjoyed a portion of that spirit which in those days would lead a man to do good to his fellow man, but of course I had not the knowledge of God. But in these days when the holy priest- hood is restored to us we have no excuse for saying that our minds are not satisfied, for the blessings are given to us, they are within our reach, and it is your privilege and mine to enjoy them. I feel to rejoice greatly in the blessings of the gaspel that are given to us, and that we can behold so visibly the hand of God in his dealings with this people. He has fought our battles and given us the victory. We are all sensible of our imperfections, but notwithstanding these things the Lord has been true to his word; he is fulfilling his word, and has been doing this from the beginning. When I look at these things my heart rejoices, and I feel to give thanks to the Lord and to aid all I can in the building up of his kingdom. We can enjoy the true comforts of the Holy Ghost, we should honor our calling and be true to the covenants we have made. If we attend to our duties and walk humbly before the Lord, we shall be satisfied with life, and with the manifestations of the goodness of God unto us. Let me advise you, brethren and sisters, to improve in everything that is good, perform every duty devolving upon us, and we shall have much joy and consolation at the close of this probation in knowing that we have done the best we could, that we have acted up to the best light we had. It certain- ly must be a satisfaction to us to know that we are building up the kingdom of God, to know that we are seeking to overcome the powers of darkness, and all evil that prevails upon the face of the earth, in our day and gen- eration. This gospel has been offered to the present generation, it has been offered to the christian world, and almost all the nations have heard it in some way or other, and they now have the privilege of receiving or reject- ing it. This people have received the word with joy and gladness, and many of them have brought forth fruit to the honor and glory of God, and have been valiant in the cause of Jesus Christ; they are friends of God, friends to themselves and to their fellow men. But when men reject the gospel, the gifts, the promises and blessings that are presented and offered unto them, they come short of their duty and are under condemnation. The Lord has said by the revelator John, in speaking of this work, that at the hour of of his judgment he would send an angel, who should fly through the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel to preach to every na- tion, kindred, tongue and people, crying with a loud voice, saying fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come. The Almighty has in this way warned this generation, and told them what the result of rejecting the gospel of Christ would be. Still many in the world have sought to destroy this work from the earth, as well as those who have been its advocates. Scores and hundreds of the elders of Israel have been faithful and true to their integrity, and for this they will have their reward, while the wicked will perish. I do feel thankful that so many of us have cleared our garments of the blood of this generation; and I rejoice that we are located here in these valleys of the mountains. I do not know that I could be in any better place than this. We are shut up in these chambers of the mountains in fulfillment of the words of the Lord, and he has led us all the time, he has marked out our course and directed our footsteps. Br. Joseph Smith, br. Brigham Young and all our leaders have been inspired from the beginning to give counsel and to do those things that have been required of them, and they were led here by the inspiration of the Almighty, as much so as Moses, or any others who have held the priesthood. President Young prophe- cied the deliverance of this people, and his words were backed up by the testimony of the Holy Ghost, when, to all human appearance there was no arm could save us, and we were delivered by the power of God. If we live our religion we shall see more manifestations of the goodness and power of God. It is our privilege to follow the dictates of the spirit of the Lord, and to have it for our guide and companion, and by doing this the blessings of the heavens will be upon us as fast as we are prepared to receive them. I know that the devil seeks to overthrow this people, and it seems that the powers of darkness have, to a great extent, prevailed in their attempts to control the hearts of the children of men. For many generations the powers of darkness have had almost universal sway, but I thank God that I have lived to see the day when the kingdom of God has been set up upon the earth, and that it is no more to be thrown down forever. Men with wicked hearts may seek to pull down the cause of truth, but all their efforts will be in vain, for the blessing of the Almighty is upon his saints, the inspiration of the heavens is upon his servants, and they will overcome the powers of temptation and of the adversary. It is verily true that we have a warfare to engage in, for Satan seeks to engage in one with us, with our children, and with all the rising generation,—the hope of Israel, and of the prophets and apostles of this kingdom. I feel that the time has come when we shall prevail, and I rejoice in it. I feel that the Lord is going to bless this people abundantly. The minds of the saints are expanding and they are coming to understanding. This cer- tainly should be the case as we advance, for the Lord will make a short work in the last days, and there is but little time, if I may be allowed the saying, to have the words of the prophets fulfilled. There is a good spirit here. The righteous- ness and truth, and the power of God are now prevailing over the wickedness of the profane and the iniquity of the depraved, and the power of the devil is fast giving way and los- ing its hold on this people. The power of God is in the ascendant, and the faith of the saints holds the powers of darkness at bay, so that they cannot carry out their evil de- signs in the midst of Zion. This is a conso- lation to me, and my heart rejoices in these things, and I can say truly that I feel happy and comfortable, and I pray that the Lord will sustain and uphold those that are set to lead us. The Lord is their guide, and there is not a man nor a woman in Israel but who knows that they are governed and controlled by the power of God, if they are living up to their privileges. Israel was not always led with the same degree of clearness and understanding that we enjoy in our day. This is a great blessing to us, and we ought to be faithful, and full of thankfulness. I feel happy in saying that I know our leaders are upheld by the prayers of the brethren and sisters, not only in this Ter- ritory but throughout the world. This is right, and just as it should be, for it is our duty in our secret places, in our family prayers; to remem- ber the Lord's annointed and chosen servants; and we should not only pray for them, but for each other; be full of faith, prayer and confi- dence; and manifest our faith by carrying out the counsel that is given by the leaders of this people. Yes, brethren and sisters, it is a good day and generation in which we live; it is a good time to worship God and live faith- ful to our religion, and this is a most splendid place in these valleys of the mountains for us to live and improve. We are blest with good land, with water and timber, and here we have the privilege of saving our children, and this is a great blessing unto us. If we set a good example before our children, and try to instruct them from their childhood to maturity; teach them to pray and to honor the Almighty; teach them those principles that will sustain them in the midst of all trials, that the spirit of the Lord may rest upon them, and then they will not easily be led astray. Good impressions will follow them through life, and whatever principles may be presented those good im- pressions will never leave them. I have long been satisfied that the devil was making great exertions to drive a wedge in between parents and children, trying to in- spire and instil into the minds of the sons and daughters of the saints those corruptlng notions that will prevent them from following the footsteps of their fathers and mothers, but this cannot be done! The sons and daugh- ters of this people, if we do our duty, will be held by the strength and in the name of Isra- el's God. I have looked upon this matter a great deal, and I have concluded that there never was a generation of people upon whose shoulders rested greater responsiblities than rest upon this people, and than must rest upon their sons and daughters. If this be true, how import- ant it is that we should be wise fathers and mothers, and that we should act wisely in in- stilling into their youthful minds all those principles that will lead them to that which is just, and to carry out in their lives the prin- ciples of righteousness and truth. Many of our children have not had experience in the world; they know nothing of the scenes and corruptions that are among the wicked; they do not realize their present positions, nor the blessings conferred upon them by their parents having obeyed the fulness of the gospel. We who have gained experience see the darkness and abominations that are in the hearts of men, but our children, not being able to contrast the evil with the good, cannot see and realize the blessings they enjoy in being under the influence of teachers in Israel; I do not refer to their parents alone, but those who lead and govern in the midst of Israel. I have felt for a long time and I think I have realized to some extent, that the duties rest- ing upon us are very great, and that we ought to strive to improve in wisdom and knowledge and in the principles of government in order that we may know how to be fathers, mothers and saviors, and learn how to be councilors, and how to preside, not only in our own family circles, but wherever we may be called to act. It is a great thing to know how to act so as to gain the feelings and affections of our families, that will lead them in the path wherein they may be saved. This is a study and a work that should not be laid aside by parents, nor by the Elders in Israel. Many tlmes we may consider business so urgent that it must crowd these things out of our minds, but this should not be. Any man's mind that is open, and who looks forward to the work that lies before us, will see and feel that the responsibility that rests upon him concerning his own family, and especially in the rearing up of his children, is very great. We want to save our children, and to have them partake of all the blessings that en- circles the sanctified, to have them receive the blessings of their parents who have been faith- ful to the fulness of the gospel. We do not want them to go through all the routine of false doctrines and erroneous systems that we have had to wade through in our generation. This is the way we feel in regard to our present position, and I feel that God will bless us inasmuch as we strive to improve and listen to council. It is our duty to pray before the Lord, and to teach those principles when- ever we have an opportunity. And I feel to thank the Lord, and to rejoice in seeing as many as there are who are willing to listen to the counsel of their parents; for I realize that when they are called upon to act in their priesthood and ministry, they would be ready and willing to listen to the counsel of their brethren, and thus they will be the means of saving the rising generation. I pray that the Lord may bless us and give us largely of his spirit, that our minds may be clear to see and comprehend this great work. This kingdom is but yet a very small stone, comparatively speaking; it is not yet a great mountain, neither has it filled the whole earth, but as the Lord lives, it will. This is how I feel, and I sincerely desire that we may have our minds opened upon the sub- ject of the building up of the kingdom of God. In this we shall have joy, no matter whether in prosperity or adversity; so long as we do our duty the Lord will protect us, and the powers of evil will have no dominion over us, but our hearts will be buoyant and we shall rise step by step in wisdom, knowledge and power until we shall be able to build up the temples of our God, behold the law of the Lord, go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. This law he intends that we should receive to prepare us for the coming of the great bridegroom. In both our temporal and spiritual labor we should seek to know the mind and will of God concering us; we should have the Spirit of the Lord with us continually, and our mediations should be righteous and holy before the Lord. We cannot go to reap our crops and wor- ship the devil one day, and then the next go into the Tabernacle or temple of the Lord and worship him. That is not our religion, it does not admit of this; we cannot feel justi- fied in such conduct, but if we live our religion the blessings of Almighty God will be with us, and he will multiply them upon our heads. I hope and pray that each and all of us may do this, that we may seek to sustain each other, and those whom the Lord has placed over us, which may God grant for Christ's sake. Amen.


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Aug 26, 1860