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Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1860

Journal Entry

October 19, 1860 ~ Friday

19 I spent the day in the office, the Eastern mail came in today


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there was much of the spirit & power of God rested upon President Young through the day and also upon the people. While walking with President Young I said Brother Young you feel well today and I am glad of it and I thank God that I have lived to see the day when the leader of the Church & kingdom of God fee is inspired to take the stand you have to day and the Lord will sustain you in it and I am satisfied that there is asome great Event at hand which will Effect Both Zion & Baybylon Presidet Young said "yes there is, and I am moved upon to take Just such a step as I do and I shall not take any other I feel as though the Lord stood by me & sayes punch the gentiles give it to them and I will stand by you"
~ Wilford Woodruff

Oct 19, 1860