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Day in the Life

Nov 7, 1860

Journal Entry

November 07, 1860 ~ Wednesday

7. I spent the day in the office The Presidency returned home
this Evening from their Southern Tour was gone 15 days
& President Young Preached 20 time & had 3 teeth extracted
one a sound one through a mistake I spent the evening in
his office He said I hope that Abel Lincoln was Elected
President of the United States yesterday & that the South
meet in convention & nominate Breckenride to day to
be the president of the South but I am afraid they will not
have pluck enough to do it I wrote a Letter to Amasa
[FIGURE] Lyman in England to day


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Lincoln, Abraham
12 Feb 1809 - 15 Apr 1865
26 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman
Lyman, Amasa Mason
30 Mar 1813 - 4 Feb 1877
289 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Breckinridge, John Cabell
16 Jan 1821 - 17 May 1875
2 mentions

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Letter to Amasa Mason Lyman, 7 November 1860
Brother Amasa Lyman Dear sir, I feel like writing you a few lines, altho' I have no special news to communicate. There has been a good deal of sickness in October, and many deaths among children, one of brother C. C. Richs children has died since he left. My daughter, Phebe, wife of Lorenzo Snow lost an infant, it only lived two days, and as two of your women were sick, and had young children, Phebe took Caroline's child to nurse, it was very feeble when she took it, it is now a very healthy child and growing finely, she has spent a good deal of time of late at your house to assist them You are probably aware of the course President Young has taken in regard to the Missionaries who are abroad, and those going abroad, that they are forbidden to collect means of the Saints to send home to their families, and also not to bring any thing home themselves, only the Souls and Bodies of the poor Saints; and to obviate this, a collection was taken up in this City to send the Missionaries to their field of labor, and to keep their families. of I think some 12,00000 were subscribed, and on the strength of this, I went to your family in the City and got a list of what articles they said they wanted, and they have been furnished since with the articles they called for, except the calking and plastering of their house: I have not yet been able to get that done, but have the promise of it. We have had some of the loudest preaching of late from Pres.t Young


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Seven Southern states secede from Union. (Confederacy includes 15 states and territories by 1862.)

Nov 7, 1860