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Day in the Life

May 1, 1861

Journal Entry

May 01, 1861 ~ Wednesday

May 1st A pleasant morning I spent the day in the office. The Poney
arived at 7 oclok APM the News was vary warlike all through the country

Both North & South were gathering large armies and preparing for war
the Banks & rich men throughout the whole contry were consecrating
there millions of Dollars to sustain the war. The Nation has persecuted
the Saints of God & made them consecrate there all & flee from place to
to place to save their lives and now it is there turn, the Lord has said
[FIGURE] He would vex the Nation and he will suredly do it. Civil war has
begun in Earnest & it will go on untill the will of God is done all they have
sought to bring upon us will come to pass upon them.


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May 1, 1861