Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1862

Journal Entry

February 18, 1862 ~ Tuesday

18. A hand pointing to the right I wrote 3 letters to Ozem Woodruff Mayberry &
Burton Telegraph dispatch says Savannah's is taken by the North


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Woodruff, Ozem Thompson
22 Dec 1804 - 28 Dec 1893
222 mentions


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Events as they pass before our Eyes day by day, this will make a valua- ble legacy to our children as and well a great Benefit to future gener- ations by giving them a true History of the rise & progress of the Church & kingdom of God upon the Earth in this last dispen- sation instead of leaving it to our Enemies to write a fals History of the true Church of Christ. Brethren and sisters we are making History Every day let that History be good let us do the works of righteousness that when our acts are recorded we shall be satisfied with them Either in time or Eternity I ask these Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Council (Legislature) of the State of Deseret meets simultaneously with Utah Territorial Legislature.

Feb 18, 1862