Day in the Life

May 22, 1862

Journal Entry

May 22, 1862 ~ Thursday

22 I spent the day in the office compiling History. President
Young called into the office and spent an hour with us Brother
R. L. Campbell showed President Young a small Book to be
Printed for children President Young again took up the
Deseret Alphabet and conversed upon that subject He spoke
of what he had done to introduce that subject to this people
He had sent East, and got a font of the best deserett type
made that could be got and still the regency and superint-
tendent of common schools, the Teachers nor people none
of them have faith Enough to introduce the Deserett Alphabet
into the schools. I will not give my consent or furnish any type
to publish that Book or any other for children with the

Errors now Exhisting in the English aruthography by doing
this we teach our children fals principles which they have to
wallow through all there lives. if I cannot present to my
children true principles in there language I do not want to pre-
sent any thing to them Neither will I use my priesthood to
force it upon the people. If the people will not assist me to int-
roduce it for the benefit of the rising generation they may go with-
out it, but we can buy those gentile school books for children
much cheaper than we can make them Here, and I dont wish
to have any of that class of Books made here. Brother Campbell
tryed to argue the point with President Young But he gained
nothing by it. We had long dispatches by Telegraph to day


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3457 mentions
Apostle, Family
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
122 mentions


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Letter to John Berry, 22 May 1862
President John Berry: Spanish Fork Dr Brother: Be pleased to furnish the branch over which you preside with a bible, book of Mormon, doctrine and covenants and hymn book, as similar to those in the Tabernacle of this city, as you can readily procure them. Elders occasionally wish to refer to them books in teaching, preaching &c, and the presence of them sacred books ^each books^ in the branch meeting houses which are set apart for teaching sacred things seems so appropriate and necessary ^essential^ that a failure thereof, display to say the least of it, a lack of that good taste and order which should be eminently characteraztic the house wherein saints meet to worship their God. We would also suggest that the President & Bishop shoudld own a good legible good copy of the bible and as many of the ^our^ sacred record ^book^ the last dispensation as they can ^consistently^ procure. A due regard for the records which the Being whom we worship ^God^ by the aid of his servants, hath preserved on the earth for our use and instruction will, we feel assured be well pleasing in His sight With sentimtents of regard for the Welfare of Israel. We wherewith ^remain^ omse yours Brotherly W Woodruff Geo. A Smith


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Wilford serves as President of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society for 15 years.

May 22, 1862