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Day in the Life

Jun 7, 1862

Journal Entry

June 07, 1862 ~ Saturday

7 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House. We gave
Endowments to 35. President Kimball sealed 6 couple W. Woodruff sealed
14 couple. we had as hard a rain storm last night & to day as I ever
say [saw] in this valley in June. I attended a meeting for the Examination of Doctors see opposite page*

* On Saturday the Afternoon I met at the City Hall with Jeter
& H. J. Doremus several of the Doctors for Examination
Preparatory to thereir geting a license. we first Examined
Dr Wiseman He said Gout was High Rheumatism. for the
Gout I no nothing better than Morphine or Opium and
the Oil of Galvanium. For Inflamitory rheumatism I would
give Tartar emetic medicine. For the diyspepsia I would give
opening medicine & hops or strong beer. For gravel I would
give Gensing ^Guaiacum^ & lime water. For white swelling I use a poultice
of Mandrake in its natural state that purifies the blood and
sometimes I use it in medicine. For Lung fever I use Pyroligneous
and Gensing for a bad case I would use calomel & Mercury
as nothing Els will reach the liver I give 5 or 6 grains. For the
Erysipelas I would use Lime water and calomel as a wash, and
I would give cream of Tarter and Rhubarb To soften down
what do you do for cancer's "cancears are caused in women
by suckling children to long in Men by Extreme case of scrofula
I use calomel & Opeum Externally and a plaster of Rosin
and Olive Oil and a tincture of Gensentian and Rhubarb
In a difficult case of childbirth I would use oil to soften the
parts. If I had a shoulder presentation I should put it back
when the child is born I sever the Naval Cord about 2 1/2 inches
from the body. In case of Broaken breast I use Hazel nut oil
any kind of spirits is injurious in such cases. for cake breast
3 tablespoonfuls of Linseed meal 1/2 tablespoonful of mustard.
For the cramp colic, I would give Brandy and water or a
Pill of Rhubarb & Gamboge a warm Bath will take it away
For Forostbit I would give Turpentine with 1/4 vinegar

Dr Dunion said I believe all deseases is caused by cold, then
there is an obstruction somewhare if the Lungs are the most
sussceptible to the cold then the fever will settle there. I give Lobelia
Squills Nervine Horehound and many other things I use rhubarb
seneca poke root blue flag root and the warm bath. For Inflamatory
Rheumatism. I give Rhubarb and other cathartic medicine
I use a Bath of sulpher, catnip, sage & other herbs for Erysipelus

I would give similar medicines & I use charcoal Brewers Yeast
as a poltice and I should give Quinine & tincture of Iron

Dr Michael Hyler was asked what He would do with the Rheuma-
He would give Rheubarb & calomel generally. I use Dovers
, Bark and wine, campher & opeum. For the Lung fever
I would give Alloes tartar emetic & Epicac and vegitabe & mine-
ral tonics and Calomel (tonics composed of Quinine & arsenic)
For sore Eyes, I use a solution of 2 grains of Tartar Emetic,
1 pint of barley water, 1 grain of cream of tartar & give a wine
glass full of the solution. I make a wash of Blue vitrol and
campher to wash the Eye. For Frost Bitten Limbs I would
make a salve 1 lb Rosen 1 lb Beeswax 2 lbs Butter 4 oz spirits
of Nitre 2 oz of Quicksilver & cut it with sulphuric acid
For Diarrhea I would give Rheubarb magnecia, 20 drops
peppermint 10 drops lodlam half a pint of Barley water cover
it till it gets cool sweeten with loaf sugar take a spoonfull
each hour for 6 Hours for grown person children in
proportion. For Cancers I use Arsenic internally &

Dr Palmer the Ey doctor makes use of the following articles as
his main medicines: Nitred of Silver Sulphat of zink sulphat
of copper sulphat of Iron, salt, sugar, saltpeter Borax Opeum
camphor Belladona, croton Oil, & calomel


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Clinton, Fielding Jeter
17 Feb 1813 - 10 May 1892
27 mentions
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1402 mentions
6 mentions
13 mentions
Wiseman, John
1 mention


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford serves as President of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society for 15 years.

Jun 7, 1862