31. I spent most of the day at home I am suffering
with a severe cold I attended the Theater in the Evening & herd
Old Fills birth day played & the Two Polts. Thus Ends the year 1862
1862 Has past and left its trace upon the Historians
Record. It has been a vary important year it has fulfilled
the Historians predictions & the predictions of the prophets (see
the last page of this record written ithe last day of Dec 1861)
There has been more blood shed, & lives lost in the United
States in the battles between the North & South in 1862 than
there was in the Revolutionary war & the war of 1812 with
Great Brittian. The most Blooddyy battles were faught at
the following places Mill Springs, Pea Ridge, Fort Donellson,
Pittsburgh landing, Fair Oaks, 7 days battle before
Richmond, Cedar Mountain or Bulls run, Antietam,
Corinth, and Fredricksbugh. In these ten battles alone
the number would not fall much short of half a
Million of men who were killed & wounded and then
there has been scores of Miner battles which have slain
many thousands. Many also have been slain by pest-
ilence there has also been great destruction of property
by fire & otherwise. The spirit of Disunion seems to incr-
ease among the people. There has been a great want of Bread
in England and France during the past year caused in a great
measure by closing up the southern ports which has stoped
the importation of cotton. France has opened a war with
Mexico and there is a great lack of confidence through-
out the Earth betwen man & man and between all the Nations
of the Earth, there are many widows and orphans and
much morning & Lamentation through the Land in conseq-
uence of the much blood which has been shed during the past
year but the End is not yet, but ownly Just commenced peace
is taken from the Earth and the wicked are inspired to
slay the wicked. While these things are going on the Saints
are gathering home to Zion to build up the kingdom of God, then
the Lord may reign over his Saints while Satan rules over
his own Dominion. There has been Near 5000 Saints
gathered into these vallies during the past year. The Temple
foundation has been taken up in part & relaid & many impro-
vements have been made, & the Blessings of God have been upon Zion
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