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Day in the Life

Jan 19, 1863

Journal Entry

January 19, 1863 ~ Monday

19 Jan 1863. The Deserett State Legislature Met this morning in the
Council House and organized at 1 oclok. A Joint committee was app-
inted to wait upon Govornor Brigham Young & informed him that
the Assembly was organized & ready for any communication he
might wish to make. Governor Young accompanied the committee
to the State House & themet the Joint assembly & delivered to them his
Message (see Printed Message) 2000 copies of the message was
ordered to be printed & it was also to be printed in the Deserett News
Govornor Young then addressed the assembly He said
I wish to say a few words. Many may not be able to tell why
we are in this capacity. I do not think that you see this thing
as it is. Our organization will be kept up. We may not do
much at present in this capacity yet what we have don or
shall do will have its Effect. Our constitution which we sent to
Washington has been closely scanned by the members of Congress
all of our moves here are feared by the nations of the Earth
Esspecially the United States. This body of men will give laws
to the Nations of the Earth. We meet here in our seconed annual
Legislature & I do not care whether you pass any laws this season
or not But I do not wish you to loose one inch of ground you

Esstablished upon the Earth He made many interesting remarks
& bore testimony to what had been said. After Electing a public
Printer & ordering 2000 copies of the message Printed the Joint assem-
bly dissolved


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Jan 19, 1863