Day in the Life

Apr 9, 1863

Journal Entry

April 09, 1863 ~ Thursday

9. The Quorum of the Twelve met with 35 missionaries at
the Historions Office we ordained 14 Seventies & blessed ^10 W W Blessed^
36 Missionaries. ^W Woodruff ordained his son into a quorum of Seventie^ I spent most of the day in the office


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Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
721 mentions


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An Additional List of missionaries was read to the Assembly among the rest my son Wilford Woodruff Jr was called to go upon a mission to England it rejoices my hart that I have lived to see the day when I have a son who is called to go into the vineyard of the Lord.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Religious - Joshua K. Whitney missionary blessing, 9 April 1863
given in G. S. L. City. , under the hands of Elders Wilford Woodruff, Amasa M. Lyman and Lorenzo Snow. Pronounced by A. M. Lyman Brother Joshua K. Whitney. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Prieshood we set thee apart to the mission to which you have been called and appointed, and we ask God the Eternal Father that his protecting care may be around this thy servant that he may be protected from the evils incident to his journey. Let thy Spirit rest upon him to inspire him with mercy and confidence in thee and continue to dispose him to be subject to thy counsel and to the council of thy servants and may he be devoted affectionatily to the labors and duties that have been assigned him, and may the blessings of life & health be extended unto him, and may thy spirit assist him to preserve & fulfil every duty divolving upon him in a manner that shall be acceptable to the land that shall be for the comfort & blessing of those to whom his administrations shall extend, & may he be saved from all corruption & from all that would bring darkness upon his mind or reflect an evil upon him through any impropriety, but may he be saved through


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Apr 9, 1863