19. We left Franklin at 6 oclok & traveled the first 20 miles
through a hard rain storm & hilly & a vary croocked road
it was like beating against a head wind at sea we gowould
go Northerly then southery & so continued untill we come
to the foot of a long dog way, we baited our animals then
started to go up the dog way but it was so slipery we could
not get onto it so we went on the side of the Mountain below
to the road but it was so steep & rough that the animals could
not draw the veacles but about a rod at a time. On our arival
at the summit the Animals were nearly exhausted but we then
began to descend & found a wet muddy road caused by the melting
of the snows at the summit after traveling about a mile in a mudy
road we Entered a mud Hole 6 miles long the worst I ever saw
in my life I could not compare it to any thing but taking all
the mud holes I ever saw in my life & place them in a string
& then try to drive a team through them what made them
worse than then Illionis & Indianna mud Holes was they
were nothing but mud while these were full of trees stumps
& brush, both Horses & Mules struggled fearfully Belly deep
in mud to make advancement occasionally a pair of Horses or
Mules would fall & be buried all over except their Heads but
men would go in pry out the animals pull out the veacle with ropes
& start again some carriages were broaken in this way. we walked
through the mud untill 8 oclock in the Evening then we stoped
& baited our animals & then continued our Journey in bear
river Lake Valley by moon light & arived in Paris at 3 oclok
in the morning of the 20, having been 21 Hours on the road
of hard travelling making a distance of 50 miles &
the most bad road I ever travelled in one day in my life
Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.