20. On our arival in Paris at 3 oclok in the morning we of
course found all abed & asleep. Brother C. C. Rich was keeping
Batchelors Hall. He got up & made the best provisions for
all the company that He could. The Presidency stoped with
Brother Rich. G. A. Smith myself & several others stoped with
David Savage we spent the day in Paris resting. We found
this to be a large valley good soil & water suffic[ien]t to irrig[at]e
the whole abundant timber & Handy a great stock range
and the finest Lake in Utah Terriotory & perhaps in America
for one of its size it was 30 miles long 10 wide, & through
the middle the bottom not yet found with 200 feet line the waters
are cold & vary clear & abound with the finest trout in
the world large streams inter into it from the mountains vast
numbers of trout go up these streams from the Lake the Brethren
kill them with clubs & spars & ketch them in nets they range
from 4 to 12 lbs wait though some have been seen in the
water supposed to weigh 50 or 75 lbs we had fish in plenty
to eat
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